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            When I got home late night from the concert Bella,Tool,Gennis and I did a group chat making plans for tonight. We decided that we were going to get dinner around seven. I got out the shower putting on my bra and underwear then placed on white jeans with a whit tank top and a long kinda baggy jean shirt with white converses on my bed. As I was about to put on my jean my room door flew open with Corahn walking in. When he saw me he looked up and down my body as if he was amazed 

"Corahn !" I yelled wrapping my towel around myself 

Corahn looked at me and gave me a warm smile "What it's not like I haven't seen your body before" 

"Corahn get out before I slap the shit out of you !" 

Corahn laughed while leaving my room and closing the door. I shook my head while getting dressed then putting my hair in a neat curly high ponytail. When I was done getting myself together I grabbed my phone while heading down to the living room to see Corahn talking to my parents. I sat down next to my dad while laying my head on his shoulder 

"You guys ready to go ?" My mom said 

I looked over to my mom "whos you guys ?" 

"You and Corahn .. I invited him to come since his mom is gonna be gone today" My mom explained 

 "alright lets go" I sighed while getting up from the couch 

"um you two go in the car , I have to talk to your dad right quick"  My mom said in a serious tone 

I gave my mom a confused face "uhh .. okaaayyy" 

Corahn gently grabbed my arm and lead me out the house and into the car. 

"Sorry about before" 

I shook my head "I bet you enjoyed yourself"

Corahn smirked "Just a little .." 

"Cor !" I said while punching him the arm

 "OW !! I was just kidding" Corahn laughed in pain 

I rolled my eyes "whatever" 

"How was the concert last night ?" Corahn asked 

I gave him a strange look "How did you know I went to a concert last night" 

"Bella's instagram , you would have saw it if you had any type of social media" 

I shrugged my shoulders " it was cool though .. the four of us are gonna hang out later on today" 

"am I invited ?" Corahn asked 


"How come ?" 

"Because i don't want you to come" 

Corahn rolled his eyes "What a good friend you are" 

I rolled my eyes "lets not make pretend were friends" 

"What are you talking about ?" Corahn asked in confusion 

" Your making pretend your my friend because you like me"

"That's not true Sky .. your my best friend first before anything else , yes I want you as my girlfriend but our friendship comes first .. always" 

I looked at Corahn and smiled at him. All of a sudden My mom came in the car wiping her face and took a sniff

" Are you okay India ?" Corahn asked in concern 

"Yeah mom you alright ?" i added on 

My mom ignored our question and just drove off. As soon as we got to the photo shoot my mom pulled my aunt Crystal and walked with her .. I really wondered what was going on 

"Finally you are here we have to get you ready" Said some lady grabbing my arm and pulling me towards to a hair and makeup station , I looked back to see if Corahn was following us but he wasn't. It took about two hours for my hair and makeup to be done and when I looked at myself I hated the way I looked. I was wearing this short ass dressed my face looked like cake was slapped on my face and too much hair was added in my head. 

When i was done getting ready I was brought to a beach set with my mom and aunt. The three of us did our photo shoots together and it was really awkward especially that Corahn was so focused on me the whole time. My mom , aunt and I ended up doing our own shoots and I did not like it one bit. When everything was finally done I ran off set to take off all this crap ! 

I took a wipe and started wiping the makeup off 

"you did good today" I looked over and saw Corahn smirking at me 

I rolled my eyes " I was horrible it was so awkward" 

"You did great .. can't wait to come to your next photo shoot" Corahnn said sitting down next to me 

I laughed "This is my last one I hate this " 

 "Whatever .. imma go to the bathroom be right back"  Corahn got up from his seat and walked away

I nodded my head while still taking the makeup off my face. All of a sudden I heard a phone ring I looked to see who's phone it was because I knew it wasn't me. I saw that Corahn's phone was on the seat Corahn was sitting on. I picked it up to see who was calling but a random number just showed so I shrugged my shoulders and put his phone down. 

A minute later when all my makeup was finally off I got up so I could change. As I was about to get up Corahn's phone beep. I picked up his phone again and saw that the random phone number left a voicemail. Me being nosey person I opened up his phone and listen to the voicemail. 

 Hi Corahn .. i just wanted to let you know that I came back from the doctors and I found out that our baby is a girl. I didn't ask you you to come with me to the sonogram because I know you wouldn't had came. Anywayssss when you get this message call me ASAP we have to talk our plans with our baby , bye love .. 

I slowly but the phone down. I felt like throwing up, I felt like screaming I felt like punching whoever this bitch was in the face and I felt like KILLING Corahn but only a tear came down my face. All of a sudden Corahn back and sat back down next to me 

"So when we leaving ?" He asked 

I looked at Corahn and he gave me a confused face when he saw the tears pouring out of my eyes

"Sky what happened ??" He asked taking my hands 

I pulled away " how could you .. " 

"What ?" He asked 

" How the fuck you got some nasty hoe pregnant !!!! " I yelled 

Corahn's eyes widden "W-what ?" 

"Don't play dumb you fucking ass whole ! what the fuck is wrong with you ?! " 

"Sky look please don't be mad this baby might not even be mine ! " 

I laughed in disbelief " oh so that makes shit better ?! is that why you want me to be your girlfriend ? so once that baby comes I can some how help ?! 

"What ?! of course not ! you know exactly how i feel about you ! this baby issue has nothing to do with that ! " 

"who's the baby mama ?" I asked 

Corahn shook his head "Don't worry about it .." 

I felt my blood boil " Corahn stop playing fucking games !! if you don't tell me who the bitch is im walking out right now and we will never speak again !! who is it Charity ?! " I yelled 

"IT'S JANIE OK ?! IT'S FUCKING JANIE !!! " Corahn yelled while rubbing his hands on his face 

More tears came down my face and I shook my head " Congrats your having a girl " 

Corahn as if he couldn't believe it almost as if everything made sense 

  I walked away and wiped my face , he's not worth my tears .. 

Not such a Princess : Part 2 of The Hustle { ON HOLD !! :( }Where stories live. Discover now