Chapter 11

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Narrator PoV

While Shiroi and Cid were busy doing their own thing with Cid doing some nonsense and Shiroi preparing her countermeasure against the cult.

Sherry Barnett was so engrossed with deciphering the artifact that she was late in noticing the commotion.

"No way... This is..." She peers closely at the artifact in her hands.

Her pink eyes narrow slightly, as if she has noticed something.

"No way... how could this be..." Even though her eyes are focused on the artifact, the pen in her hand is still moving furiously.

The nearby tumult is not even being registered in her brain. 

Both the sounds of explosions and footsteps in the hallway, everything is outside the realm of her consciousness. 

She was literally completely in her own world, cutting off her connection to the outside world.

"What's going on out there?" The bearded man with a scar on his face asked the man named Marco with dark bluish hair that matched the color of his eyes.

"What's going on out there?" The bearded man with a scar on his face asked the man named Marco with dark bluish hair that matched the color of his eyes

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"It seems we're under attack...! They're spread all over the campus"

"If we can't use mana, then we can't move around carelessly." Glen suggests.

Even the two knights' conversation is not entering her ears.

"How could this... how could this...!" 

That's how concentrated she is on the artifact.

Even normally, she often gets so concentrated on her research that she doesn't notice her surroundings, but it's never been to this level. This artifact has something of great importance that has so thoroughly grabbed all of her attention.

Her quill pen continues moving, with scratching sounds. Her pink eyes are only a step away from the truth hidden in the artifact.

But at that moment.



Abruptly, the windows shatter, and a single man wearing black jumps into the room. Sherry gasps in surprise as the window shatters.

"Who are you!"

The two knights bring up their swords.

When the windows shatter and a man in black is seen with a sword at his hip, Sherry finally becomes aware of her current situation. Clutching the artifact to her chest, Sherry dives underneath a desk.

"We are... um, Shadow Garden. Wait, was it Shadow Guardian? Ah, whatever. I am the great Rex! Rex the Riveting Rebel! You all can call me Rex-sama." The man in black laughs behind his domino mask.

Then he throws away his mask. He has dull red hair and a frivolous aura, as well as eyes that look like that of a starving stray dog.

The mask slides to where Sherry is, causing her to shrink even deeper into her hiding place.

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