Chapter 26

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A-kun: As everyone has probably noticed, the new cover is out! I think the logo looks pretty good. Anyway have fun with this chapter, Reader-chan! 

 Anyway have fun with this chapter, Reader-chan! 

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Cid PoV

The registration for the Festival of the God of War is being held at the reception area of the fighting arena.

I join the end of the line for magic swordsmen, then observe my surroundings.

(A-kun: I think I'll choose Magic Swordsmen since it sounds better than Spellsword xD)

The warrior in front of me is tall and has well-trained muscles. At first glance, he looks strong, but his center of gravity is not stable.

Hmm, it might be a close call, but I think I look just a little bit weaker than him.

Another warrior joins the line behind me.

His center of gravity is stable, but he has too much fat in his stomach. More like, it seems that his center of gravity is stable because of the fat. He most likely drinks too much.

But it should be fine. He has a grim face, so I'm sure I look weaker than him.

In that manner, I look all around, arbitrarily hosting a 'who looks the weakest' tournament inside my head.

In order for people to go from "Oi, oi, this guy is definitely going to die" to "Wait, this guy is so strong?!", it is necessary that I look the weakest among these people.

That guy is small fry, that guy over there is also small fry, the one across is small fry also, and the one all the way over there is trash... come on, why are they all small fry.

But it should be fine. The current me is Mundane Mann. 

As a result of rigorous assessment, I come to the conclusion that I am actually the weakest looking one here.

I feel like I forgot something important that my twin sister says about judging people... Meh, I don't think it matters if I forget something she says.

I nod to convince myself. At this moment.

"Hey, you there. I don't think you should be here."


"If you participate, you're going to die."

When I turn around, I see a young girl wearing a magic swordsman getup.

My heart leaps. Could it be that that event is happening?

"Who are you?"

"My name is Annerose. If you are joining with a halfhearted attitude, then I advise you to stop."

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