Chapter 11

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Ritika's pov

After the roller-coaster events of the day before, a mix of emotions swirled within me—hatred, jealousy, pain, and even love. Following a light dinner, everyone retired to their tents for a good night's rest. As I entered my tent, ready to close it, Rohan unexpectedly came inside and embraced me.

However, I found myself unable to reciprocate the gesture, wrestling with the conflicting feelings inside.

His embrace offered an unexpected comfort, yet the lingering sense of betrayal prevented me from reciprocating.

As I prepared to voice my frustration, he gently covered my mouth with his hand, sending shivers down my spine. In a hushed tone, he began, "I am really, really sorry, Ritika. I need to explain everything before things get messed up between us. I just need 2 minutes—please let me explain myself."

I nodded, urging him to continue. He began, "Firstly, I am sorry for the way I treated you, but trust me, Riti, I didn't have any choice. The girl is my business partner, and we've been doing business for years. She's always been infatuated with me, but I genuinely never cared because I never liked her. However, she's very cruel. If I introduced you as my fiancée, you would be in danger. My world is not what you think. It's filled with cruel and selfish individuals, so I always keep my family away from my business."

Listening carefully, I questioned, "Then why the heck did you call me to pick you?"

He responded urgently, "I didn't, trust me. It was she who dialed the last caller ID, thinking you might be someone I work with. Riti, you are my family, my future. How could I let you come into this dangerous world and see someone hurt you?"

"Rohan, my life has never been easy, and you are my home, my safe place. When I saw you with her, I felt as if my safe place, my home, might lead me to the darkest, cruel world the same way my past did. I was scared, really scared, that I will again lose my home." I told

He grabbed my hand and pulled me toward him, embracing me in a hug.

In a very soft tone, he said, "You will always be the brightest sun in my cruel world; you will always be that place that depicts home. I promise, I will never ever turn our safe home into any cruel place. Trust me, please."

I couldn't resist indulging in his love, drawn to the truth in his eyes.

We continued embracing each other. Moonlight seeped through the small gap in the tent, illuminating our faces.

As we gazed into each other's eyes, my stomach fluttered with a different kind of tingling feeling. His hands caressed my cheek, sliding up and down.

Gazing at my lips, he sweetly said, "Can I devour in the moonlight that is devouring your lips, baby?" Shyly, I nodded, and we immersed ourselves in every shade of moonlight, experiencing the phases of the moon in each other's lips.

Rohans pov

Returning from her tent after sharing the best kiss  of all time, a huge smile spread across my lips. Sleep eluded me as thoughts of our future together filled my mind.

Imagining the things I would do for her when we get married, I couldn't resist the allure of her presence.

The way her lips looked so tempting in the moonlight and the love and trust gleaming in her eyes filled my whole being with butterflies.

It became clear to me in that moment that Riti, my girl, is the one for me, and I felt an overwhelming desire to do anything for her—even be her personal slave because she deserves it.

Punching the small pillow in the tent and throwing my legs out, I giggled like a teenager in love, overwhelmed by the tingling feelings.

Eventually, I fell asleep. The sunlight woke me up, signaling an important day as we were set to visit different areas for support, as per Ritika's plan.

The poor network prevented us from contacting our families. News reporters gathered, seeking interviews. Stepping forward, I declared in front of the camera, "We are here to help, not to advertise. Besides taking our interviews, capture the state of this place so that the government can send more aid."

Isha, Aayush, and Ritika formed a team, with two of my members and me joining them.

The other three members of my team joined the second team. We navigated through the devastated areas, helping remove large stones covering people. Ritika's team treated and shifted survivors, while the deceased were directed to another area. Entering an old, partially destroyed palace to search for people, we split into different areas for efficiency.

Suddenly, another aftershock struck, and chaos ensued. The already damaged palace crumbled further, with wooden doors and walls collapsing. Amidst the destruction, I frantically searched for Ritika, realizing she might be in danger. After 8 seconds of chaos, everything settled, and I was safe, but I couldn't locate Ritika. Panicking, I started shouting, "Riti, Ritika, KAHA HO AAP?"

I was so devasted I located everyone of our team except RITIKA. I kept on searching around the palace I was throwing out every stone and everything and at the corner of the devasted area , I located Riti and a whole fucking WALL WAS ABOVE HER . I STARTED PULLING OUT THAT WALL . All of the members of our team members came to help and with all of theirs help we were able to make that wall separate from her body .Her soft body was covered with blood and her eyes that used to sparkle like stars was closed . It was fucking closed and tears welled up in my eyes thinking every possible worst things that can't be true.

Carrying her in my arms, I found some solace as her heart was beating, and her nerves were bulging. Instructing my secretary to arrange a car, I took two doctors from our team, and we rushed to the best hospital in town. Tears streamed down my face as I desperately tried to wake her. When she opened her eyes, she gestured for me to come closer and whispered, "I wouldn't leave you this easily." Through my tears, I smiled and confessed, "I love you, really love you so much. Seeing you like this is tearing my heart into millions of pieces, and you need to be alright to tell me you feel the same love. Please be alright for me." With a heart full of emotions, we finally reached the hospital.

Outside the room where Ritika was being treated, I watched my blood-stained white shirt, tears streaming down my face.

Her family members were already there, and her mom hugged me, both of us sharing our grief.

She wiped away my tears and said, "We will not lose her, beta. She will come for us, she will." Her words infused hope in my shattered heart.

The doctor emerged and delivered an uncertain message, "We are treating her best, but we can't give you clarity or surety. Please have patience." Frustration and fear overwhelmed me, and I grabbed his collar, demanding, "What do you mean by clarity? She is going to be fine, and you will make her fine. If not, I promise to make your whole life a burning hell, and even if you beg for mercy, I wouldn't have my eyes on you, so do your best."

My mother intervened, prying my hands from the doctor's collar, embracing me, and cradling my head as we faced the uncertain wait.

The weight of guilt and helplessness pressed heavily on me. It had been 24 hours, and she hadn't regained consciousness. My love, my home, lay in a hospital bed, and the agony of seeing her in pain overwhelmed me. I couldn't stop breaking down, tearing at my own being, feeling like a culprit for everything that had transpired. I believed I was the one who destroyed us and our love. In moments of despair, I wished I could trade places with her, as witnessing her soul burn before me was the most excruciating experience.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2023 ⏰

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