019. the guilt in the happiness

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SLEEPING WELL WAS a rare occasion for Aurora Crane these days, but it had happened the previous night. She was almost well rested as she stepped into the auditorium, heading to her seat in the mentor's row.

Last night had been a mix of a nightmare and a daydream and she would've thought that it had been all in her imagination, if it weren't for her damaged school uniform.

She didn't really remember sliding over the dirty ground and ruining the red skirt in the process, she only remembered how his lips had felt on hers.

But the carefree happiness made quickly room for the all consuming guilt. How could she sit there on her seat, smiling like an idiot, when Sol was still in the arena trying to stay alive? How could she feel even the tiniest bit of happiness when her family (including her) was still grieving?

"What happened to your face, Coryo?" Festus shouted and everyone turned around to look at the blonde.

He had certainly looked better. The boy looked like he had been dragged several feet on the ground. Some of the abrasions were full of dried blood.

"Biking accident," he gave back and Festus nodded at that. It was a plausible answer.

Only Aurora knew the truth. She had completely ignored her friend the previous night, although he had saved Sejanus's life. She had to thank him later when no one else was around.

Lucky stepped in front of the camera and put a wide smile on his face.
"Welcome to day two of the Tenth annual Hunger Games!"

"Look, you're not the only one who's in a good mood," Dennis whispered to her to which she only raised her eyebrows.

"What's that supposed to mean?" She asked, but the boy didn't reply. His eyes were glued to the screen.

The camera had zoomed in on a figure laying on the ground. It was hard to make out who it was, considering the state the body was in. Someone had clearly beaten them to death.

One hand pressed to her mouth, but not being able to stop the gasp, she knew that either Coryo or Sejanus must have done this the previous night. Of course out of self defense.

Lucky confirmed the figure as Bobbin from District Eight and speculated on who might have killed him.

"One thing we do know is that we've got something to celebrate!" The weatherman blowed on a plastic horn.

Tone deaf, Aurora thought, her hand slowly taking away from her mouth.

"Because we've just reached the halfway mark! That's right, twelve tributes down, and only twelve to go!" He kept on cheering, which the girl found almost ridiculous. So much for being in a good mood.

Nothing really happened after that, there was still no sight of Sol, not even the tunnel cameras spotted her. And the other missing person was Sejanus.

Where is he? Aurora looked down the mentor's row, but his seat was empty. And she couldn't spot him amongst the regular student body either.

"And now, what do you suppose? We've got an extra-big surprise — especially if you're one of the twelve remaining mentors!" Lucky suddenly screamed into his mic.

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