Chapter 2

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AFTER A LITTLE WHILE OF THEIR QUICK tour, Caine and the new girl poofed back into the circus tent.

You could see the girl look a bit dazed before gagging and throwing up a black puddle on the floor, causing your face to distort into a look of disgust.

"Whoa! Clean up on aisle you!" Caine said, pointing at the girl, who looked extremely dizzy as if she came back from a roller coaster.

"I'm on it boss!" Bubbles said and proceeded to slowly lick up all the vomit with his abnormal long tounge.

"Why are you like this?" Caine said in disappointment.

You could feel yourself feeling ill already as you watched bubbles lick the throw-up off the floor as if it was having a good time, and looked away from the scene, trying not to throw up yourself.

"W-wait! Was that an exist door I saw out there?!" The girl said looking at the exit of the circus and turning her head back "Is that a way out!?" She said nervously, you all looked at her strangely before Jax ripped off Zooble's arm.

"What exist?" Jax said confused as he started using Zooble's arm like a back scratcher. "If there was a way out, I'm pretty sure we'd have all left by now." Jax hummed as Zooble glared at him before using their detached arm to choke him with it.

"Yeah, what are you talking about?" Zooble asked confused, ignoring the purple rabbits that collapsed to the floor. You watch the rabbit harshly tump against the floor, you stare at him, silently giggling to yourself before turning your head in a different direction to look back at the jester girl with confusion as well.

"Erm....Well, I can assure you there is no 'Magical exit door'! You probably just experiencing DiGiTaL hAlLuCiNaTiOnS~" Caine said in a creepy tone towards the end as the said title appears above him. "From your mind's transition to the digital circus planes!"

The girl looked at Caine a bit frustrated before interrupting him "But I swear I saw it-"

"DIGITAL HALLUCINATIONS!" Caine yelled out frantically, causing the jester to yelp a bit as Caine floated away over to the above them all with a moment of eerie silence with him before speaking up again as of nothing happened.

"How about we talk about something else? Like your name!" Caine said pointing at the girl who looked at him slightly dumbfounded.

"Me? Well, my name is uh.......Uh, UUUHHHH! Ooh, god! I can't remember my name!" The jester screeched, gripping onto her hair bangs tight hold.

"No one can remember their name once entering the digital circus!" Caine hummed out. "One of the few things I don't have control of is your minds! So all I can help you with is to come up with a new one!" Caine said.

"Uh.... Why can't I remember my name?" Grumbled the jester, her eyes now replaced with squiggly lines to pair it with her loss and confusion.

"Don't you worry your little head." Caine said as he floated to her and patted her head in assurance.

"Your new name can be anything! So what are you thinking!?" Caine asked as the jester girl scratched her head a bit bewildered.

"I...I don't care just pick anything" The new girl said with a tried look, now only glancing up at Caine.

"We'll let's see!" Caine said pulling down the slot machine lever. You tilted your head curiously, wondering what the new person's name was gonna be just for it to land on 'XDDCC' which made you cover your mouth, holding back from laughing at the name.

"How do you feel about 'XDDCC'?" Caine said while the girl tilted her head.


"You're right! Terrible. Let's try another one!" Caine said as he pulled on the lever one last time before it made the word 'Pomni'. This time Caine turned his jaw more confidently to look at the new girl. "What do you think of 'Pomni'?"

The girl let out a small sigh before shrugging "Uh...sure I just think I need some time-"

"WOAH! Gadzooks, you're right Jax! We should have a brand new adventure for our new member, Pomni!" Caine said and pointed his staff towards him, meanwhile Jax just looked at him confused.

"I said that like 5 minutes ago-"

"YOU!" Caine points at pomni, who was trying to leave before turning to caine with wide eyes.

"Do you like adventure? Activity? Wonder? Danger? Horror? Pain? Suffering? Agony? Death? Disease? Death?" Caine said getting more faster in his and leaning closer to pomni with the atmosphere getting darker as his ramble kept going.

"Angel food cake?" He said abruptly holding out a cake with one slice missing with the atmosphere going back to normal. Bubbles then showed up and ate it all in one go.

"YOU PARASITE!" He shouted at bubbles before popping them up with his finger.

"Uh, I don't really...." Pomni was then interrupted by caine again and wrapped an arm around her shoulder while gesturing around the place.

"Since you're new around here, we're gonna make it a simple in-house adventure to warm you up to how things work around here." Caine said, much to the dismay of zooble.

"Wha-- No! God! I don't want an in-house adventure!" Zooble complained, which Y/N quick came up to her and wrapped her arm around zooble.

"But I do!" Y/N said with sparkles on her eyes as her gazed looked at no one in particular. Zooble just scoffed at her but didn't bother to object or push her away.

"Don't worry, Zooble. I'll make it something unobtrusive that you can still choose to not get involved with." Caine before floating up into the air.

"Today's adventure is..." He then snapped his fingers and a large caption of words appeared behind him 'GATHER THE GLOINKS!' it read in colorful letters.

"GATHER THE GLOINKS!" He loudly announced and then he started cackling manically.

"That's right! The entire circus tent will be invested with gloinks, and you gotta catch 'em all!" Caine said as bubbles floated beside him. (Pokemon! Gotta catch 'em all!)

"But what are they?" Bubbles asked.

"I'm glad you asked bubble! They're small-"

"And what do they do?" Asked bubble once again.


"And how do they-"

Caine being fed up popped bubble once again after being interrupted.

"Gloinks are small mischievous critters that steal anything and everything they run into." Caine explained. "Why do these humanoid hash browns do this? How do you stop them? That's for you to find out!" He added.

"Now, good luck. And have fun, my little superstars!" And with those final statement, he then poofed away to leave them on their own.


𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐧𝐝.


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