Chapter 3

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POMNI LOOKED COMPLETELY DAZED FOR A brief moment, then snapped out of it and noticed that everyone were now looking at her. "What did any of that mean?" She asked.

"Oh, that's just one of Caine's little adventures." Ragatha said. "They're just something fun to do to, you know...." Ragatha then approached pomni. "Prevent us from going insane..." She chuckled nervously.

Y/N suddenly flinched upon her words, as if it had just triggered something in her mind. But she quickly shook it off and ignored it as if something was trying to surpress it back in her mind.

Zooble sighed, catching their attention. "Speak for yourself. If anyone needs me, then [SPROING] oof.." Zooble lifted out her hand which was immediately censored as she walked away.

The gloinks then suddenly ganged up on zooble and took all of the body with them, with her crying out for help. With Jax just nonchalantly saying that they killed zooble.

"Zooble!" Y/N went to chase after her but jax suddenly stopped her by placing an arm around her torso and pulled her close to him and bumped into his chest. "Eh, leave them sweetheart. I'm sure they'll be fine." He said casually. He then let her go and placed his arms behind his head. "Anyway, you guys wanna go eat something?" He turned to both women.

Y/N scoffed at his mean demeanor and decided to join the other two and stood besides ragatha with crossed arms as ragatha spoke.

"Oh, wait! We should go check on kaufmo. I'm pretty sure he'd like to meet pomni."

"My impenetrable fortress!" Kinger cried out as the gloinks destroyed and stole his 'invincible' barrier, Y/N just giggled and covered her mouth in amusement at kinger's antics.

"You wanna come with us to check on kaufmo?" Ragatha called out to him.

"Yeah and maybe even eat some snacks too! But I get dibs on the sweets of course as usual!" Y/N added with a grin.

"No, not really." Kinger said as he stood up and approached the trio. "I think kaufmo's gone insane." He explained. "Last time I spoke with him, he was rambling endlessly about some exit." He said and then suddenly leaned down to pomni.

"Kind of like you, pomni. You might be going insane too." Pomni just blinked at the sudden accusation. Y/N then got in between them.

"That's silly kinger, just because they both were rambling about an exit doesn't mean it's always guaranteed that they're gonna drive crazy." Y/N said with a laugh, but it sounded rather forced, and strained as well.

"But, wait!" Pomni pushed Y/N to the side the face kinger and ragatha catched her just in time before she could fall. "Wouldn't that more likely mean the exit does exist?" She asked him with a seemingly hopeful look.

"Could also mean you just have a jump-start on losing your mind." Jax chimed in, with gangle asking about zooble in the background.

"Well, I think I'd like to ask him about it." Pomni suddenly stopped herself. "U-uh, if this was real, which it isn't." She added already looking a little out of mind. "Because it's a dream." She concluded with hands on her hips.

"Heh, she still thinks this is a dream." Jax said with a chuckle and looked at ragatha and Y/N, who know stood beside her and just gripped the lower part of her dress as she properly stood up and got off from ragatha's arms. "U-uh, why are you looking at us like that?" Ragatha asked confused and Y/N turned as well with a confused look, pretty oblivious the jealousy in his eyes. He should've been more faster just so he can catch her instead.

"I'm fine doing whatever, as long as I get to see funny things happen to people." Jax responded with his arms crossed. Only to get whacked in the face by one of the gloinks which got him annoyed and Y/N giggled to herself when it happened.

"Okay, I already had enough of these things." Jax sighed and turned to the trio of women and pointed at each of them. "You, me, Y/N, and pomni will check on kaufmo." Jax then pointed at both gangle and kinger. "Which leaves crybaby and hoo-ha together to handle the gloinks." Ragatha nervously chucked and approached jax along with Y/N.

"Do you think pairing them up is a good idea?" Ragatha asked with uncertainty, but Jax just brushed off her worries away casually.

"And why can't I come with them instead? They surely would need some help as well eventually." Y/N beamed into the conversation with her hands clutched to her buttoned up overalls dress. Jax chuckled and then gestured to them.

"Of course I do. They're the two most stable, mentally capable characters to be prepared together." By the end of his statement, kinger started to shake violently and uncontrollably. Which didn't help brush away Y/N's concerns.

"And don't you worry about a thing with them, sweetheart." Jax laid a hand on her shoulder and pats it, which Y/N just pushed it off her. "As I said before, they can handle it just fine, after all they are more capable and mentally stable." Y/N rolled her eyes at Jax words. Knowing what his statement was completely false.

"Come on ladies, let's go harass the clown." Jax said, grabbing Y/N by her waist and dragged her away, creating a surprised noise escape her mouth. "Jax, I can walk just fine!" Y/N complained, but Jax just ignored her state and just crossed her arms, deciding to just ignore it as the other two girls followed after them. Leaving kinger and gangle all on their own now.

"My comedy mask is broken again...." Gangle sobbed as she holds up the said broken mask.

Kinger let's out a started help as he looked at gangle. "Gangle! You startled me!" He said.


𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐧𝐝.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04 ⏰

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