He was the God i needed

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Look at his skinny body and slim figure !... no no, look at his overweight body and chubby figure !... just... look at his beatiful body and gorgeous figure. His dark silhouette looks prettier than many flowers, his scent is better than any scent that ever existed, his violet and hollow eyes is more precious than every crystal, diamond ! How precious... how holy he is! How his smile is so devilish and angelic at the same time is suprising and pretty fascinating. The way he looks in reality... in pictures... or anywhere else (!).... he is just the eye catching one no matter what.

His voice is deep as the emptiness i feel when i'm far away from my beloved !... His voice sounds sweet and kind just like a mother's voice whom talks to her only child, her only treasure. The feelings in his voice and expressions are covered with the purest emotions ever happens to exist !... How delightful to see him, you can't know ! His speeches are always breathtaking, thoughful and more meaningful than life itself ! How can i resist his existence as my one and only god ? No, no. That's not love, that's not romance. This is deeper than it. He is my god being, my only being !

His thoughs and ideas are the best way to accomplish the things, the objects in question. He will always know the best option. He knows what is for best what is for ourselves. That's fascinating ! The way he explains his ideas are more clearer than any teacher's, professor's explaination. There's no alike of him, he is the dearest.

His glare as sharp as it can be imaginated. But still, there's no kinder look. His glare is enough to be a reason to live. You can see all of his thoughs by just looking into his shiny, and however pale eyes... if you manage to understand his wholesome world and if... he allows you into his own world. I sound like i talk nonsense, don't i ? But believe me, i know what i'm saying. He is just... him

His personality is complex as humanity itself, but don't forget, humanity has its own beauty under its cruelty. He doesn't have one single personality, even if he do has only one personality, i refuse to believe it. As to ones, who has disrespect him... the though of it makes me go mad... he is manipulative and cruel just like the devil himself ! He knows what he does, they did deserve what happened to them. They shouldn't have gotten onto the way of my god !

No... no... I know he is not the god, he is my god, the one i believe, the one i cherish. I must admit my cruelness. I run after him to satisfy him.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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