Thank you

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He was lying in the hospital bed. Of course, he was feeling tired after the surgery to remove those 2 bullets fired at him. He was feeling dizzy and his vision was kinda blurry.

However, black haired one could guess what was gonna happen.

When he was younger he would never think something like that would even happen.

Suddenly he heard his door's sound. From how slowly the person who opened the door entered, he could say who it was.

He slowly closed his eyes, accepting his fate.

The person who entered, which he knew very well got closer to him in a slow pace. When he was right next to his bed he take out his gun and pinned to his head.

He one let out a sharp breath.

"Well... actually i would never think something like that would happen..."

At the first... other one didn't said anything. But soon enough he angrily hissed.

"Are you joking or are you just so dump ? How can you think no one will try to kill you ?"

He slowly opened one of his closed eyes to meet with his dearest's green eyes.

"It's not what i meant. The thing i wanted to say was... i would never think you would try to kill me."

He said with a sad voice. He wasn't trying to make the green eyed one pity him and let him alive. He just wanted to confess the feelings he was hiding inside himself.

"Don't you know that i want to destroy things and people which harm innocent people ?"

Green eyed one said with a straight face.

"I do know."

"That's why i will kill you. That's why i will destroy you. The only thing you have to do to harm innocent peope is opening your pitch black eye with white pupil."

He was telling all of it with disgust.

"Then... aren't you scared ? There's nothing that closes my left eye. If i wanted i could open my black eye instead of my hazel eye and at the moment you had saw it... you would be dead."

He said with a weak smile as he closed his hazel eye like his deadly eye. He wasn't saying those words with a threathing voice. He was just curious.

"Yeah, you are right, i would be dead. But... i know you... i know that you would never do something that can harm me."

He said as he squinted his eyes.

The one who was on the verge of death chuckled.

"Yes, i would never do that, because i love you so much to do that."

That was something both of them knew pretty good. As it was something unforgettable and unchangable. No matter what, he would say it.

Not that he didn't felt a gut in his heart or something. Actually... he was feeling like he had blackstabbed. But he couldn't just blame the other one. He did understand him. So, like everytime he just stayed silent.

"Hey... can please you bury me near the cliff which we used to go ?"

Yeah that cliff. The cliff where he had failed another suicide attept because of his dearest making there at the last minute and catchinh him before he manages to jumping off of the cliff.

But other than that, they would often go there. This place was like their secret place

Not to mention that... he didn't get an answer this time.

"I think this means no... it's fine. I just wanna say one last thing..."

He said as his smile grew bigger as a single tear feel from his black eye. He could feel his heart his heart breaking into pieces... again...

"Thank you... for being my closest and dearset one..."

Those were the last words he said before a gunshots echoed in the hospital room.

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