Still None Fell As Hard, As I Did For You (Lestappen) Pt.2

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Red Bull was known for it's wild after parties and with their Golden Boy at the back of winning his 8th consecutive win. The Belgium GP after party was no different.

The party was a whirlwind of music, dancing and alcohol, and he couldn't refuse the astronomical amount of alcohol thrusted into his hands as he found himself getting swept up int the energy of it all.

As the night progressed, Charles felt himself getting more and more tipsy to the point where he can barely walk 2 meters without tumbling.

He stumbled slightly as he made his way through the crowded room towards the bar for yet another drink. It was then that Carlos leaned in, his voice slightly slurred.

"Hey, Charles," Carlos said with a mischievous grin, taking a sip of whatever blue liquid he decided to order "You taking anyone home tonight?"

Charles blinked, the question taking a moment to register. He giggled and swayed slightly. "I'm not sure."

Carlos chuckled, clearly unsurprised by Charles's response. "Really? There's been like 20 girls trying to flirt with you for the past half an hour. Like that girl with the blue hair?"

"She was flirting with me?" Charles asked, I thought she was being nice.

"By asking you if you want to go back to her hotel and play video games?"

Now that Charles thought about it, it does sound like she was flirting with him.

"Want me to talk to her for you?" Carlos asked, "She is pretty hot."

Charles considered the offer for a moment, his gaze wandering through the crowd. But then, in his slightly inebriated state, his thoughts drifted to someone else entirely.

As certain someone who may or may not be his rival.

As Charles gaze surreptitiously drifted towards Max from across the room, talking to Lando.

His striking features impossible to ignore. His intense blue eyes, like the deep azure of a summer sky, which Charles seem to get lost in everytime he looks into them.

Max's disheveled blond hair, that look even more amazing under the cool lights of the club makes Charles want to run his hands through his locks and kiss Max silly.

And the way the compression shirt just seem to hug Max's muscular body in all the right places makes Charles weak.

"No," Charles said with a wistful sigh. "I want Max."

Carlos raised an eyebrow, a knowing look in his eyes. "At this point I'm surprised you guys haven't hooked up yet. You guys literally flirt at any given moment."

Charles nodded, his words starting to slur. "Yeah, Max. But he'd never like me back."

"He's so hot and pretty and smart and nice," Charles ranted as he took a huge gulp of alcohol. "He could have any person that's way hotter than me and he's going to marry them and I'm going to die single and lonely." He sighed

Carlos leaned in closer, his voice soft and reassuring. "You never know until you ask, Charles. Why don't you text him and tell him how you feel?"

Charles blinked at Carlos, his alcohol-fueled bravado warring with his insecurities. But then, he pulled out his phone, fingers fumbling slightly as he composed a text message to Max.

The message was simple, but it held a depth of meaning that Charles couldn't quite express in words. With a tipsy grin, he hit send and watched as the message disappeared into the digital abyss.

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