43 I love her

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"Are you fucking insane? Why did you say that to her? What if she tells someone?" Francis paces around the office. "Why are you always so fucking reckless?"

"She's too nosy. I just wanted to teach her a lesson. I had no idea she would pass out just like that," Zeke defends his case. "That girl has sabotaged my plans not once not twice but three fucking times! I had enough of her. Besides, shouldn't you be asking why she's with my nephew instead of your son?"

"Shut up! Just shut the fuck up!"

George sits behind the mahogany table, a cigar in his hand. He looks at the two frantic men before he starts laughing. They stop their argument and look at him annoyed.

"The two of you will never change," He shakes his head before looking at the third man sitting on a wing chair a few feet away. "Nathan, when is that brother of yours coming?"

"He'll be here soon, Dad,"

"How do we know whether we can trust him?" Francis says as he takes a seat.

"Don't worry about that," Nathan laughs. "He'll do whatever it takes to be acknowledged as a Smith again. He should feel lucky dad is giving him a second chance," Someone knocks on the door. "See?" Nathan smirks before getting up to open the door. "Well, well, well, if it isn't my favourite brother,"

"I'm your only brother," The man rolls his eyes. "Hello father," He nods towards George.

"Hello son," George smiles before putting out his cigar. "Take a seat. I believe we have a lot to discuss,"

The man does as he's told and the rest of the men sit down as well. They stay quiet for a while, waiting for George to initiate conversation.

"So," George finally says. "I hear you're dating someone of high value. What changed?"

"A lot has changed. I realise my mistake now and I regret it deeply. I thought about ways to earn your forgiveness and as if God had heard my prayers, I happened to overhear Nathan on the phone and decided to do my part as a Smith and as your son,"

"Hmm," George hums. "Do you like her?"

"That lawyer?" The man snickers. "What's there to like about her? Yeah, she's hot but that's all she's good for,"

"She's a Beckett though. She has valuable assets," Francis contributes to the conversation.

"Hence I'm seeing her," The man smirks. "I don't see how that helps you though, father. What does me romancing Juniper Beckett do for you as a Smith?"

George sighs and sinks back into his chair. "Someone explain it to him," He waves his hand dismissively before getting up and heading towards the door. "I realise now we made a mistake though," He turns around before opening the door. "We should've approached Belle instead of Rosemary,"

"She would've called the cops within seconds," Zeke huffs.

"No, I don't think she would've. I met her briefly a few days ago. She reminds me a lot of her father. But after the trick you pulled, she might call the cops. Find a way to pacify her,"

"Why can't we just get rid of her? Michael doesn't know about her existence anyway?"

"He might not, but the more threats we have against him, the sooner he'll talk. Or did you forget how stubborn he is? That is also where you come in, Jonathan. Make sure Juniper Beckett trusts you,"

"Wait," Jonathan gets up from his seat. "Michael is alive?"

"You catch on quick," George smiles. "You've always been smart. Too bad you strayed for a while but I'm glad to have you back, son,"

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