56 The Beckett girls

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"Listen carefully to what I'm about to do to your princesses,"

"Zeke, stop this madness," Raven begs next to Michael.

"You shouldn't have blocked my cards. I would've been out of your hair by now," Zeke says, shifting the blame to someone else per his habit.

"I'll give you the money. Just leave the girls alone,"

"Fuck that! It's not about money anymore. I want to see how long it'll take Michael to find us. I wonder if he'll be fast enough to hear their last breaths. That would be fun to watch," Zeke says, his eyes on the two shivering girls.

Rosemary starts crying and Mariana holds her breath as she eyes the gun in his hand. He left the dagger lying on the floor where he sat before. Zeke laughs once his eyes land on her shivering hand, her pocket knife shaking with it.

"How about I start with our precious Belle? Come to think of it, this is all her fault,"

"Don't you fucking dare, Zeke!" Michael shouts as he runs around the building. Going up the stairs and looking inside each room he finds. Daniel is right behind him, his phone to his lobe as he calls the cops. Raven and Joseph took another route to look around.

Zeke puts the phone aside and takes slow threatening steps towards Mariana. She stays still, her eyes on his gun. She starts shivering to the point where she drops her knife. Zeke's grin widens at her reaction and he keeps snickering as he approaches her. With each step he takes forward she takes one back until her back is pressed against the wall.

Before he reaches her, he turns around to close the door. He didn't miss how Rosemary was eying it. "I'll get to you in a bit," he smirks at her before shifting his gaze back to Mariana. She's still pressed against the wall, her wide eyes stained with tears. Maybe he overestimated her after all. She's not much different from his other victims if she's already crying. "I was going to praise you for tricking me," he says, suddenly looking disappointed. "But if you're already shivering then you're not worth the praise. Still, I have to give it to you, Belle. I fell for your little amnesia trick. You're very smart,"

"Please stop," Rosemary sobs from the corner. "Why are you doing this?"

Zeke doesn't bother replying to her. He sits on one of the chairs and picks up the phone again. "Mike, are you there?" He giggles playfully. He doesn't get a response but he can hear the frantic breathing and running on the other side of the phone. "Have you noticed how much Rosemary looks like Zara? Isn't she beautiful? I've been wondering about her young body for some time now. Wonder how she'll feel beneath me,"

"ZEKE!" Michael growls.

"There you are," Zeke snickers. "Glad to know you're still there," He turns to Rosemary, his eyes going up and down her body. She gulps and curls up on herself, trying to hide her being from his invasive eyes. "You know, Rosemary, your dad didn't love Zara as much as I did. He didn't even wait a year before impregnating another woman and giving you a sibling. Classic Michael. Can't keep it in his pants,"

His gaze then slowly shifts towards Mariana who's still huddled next to the wall. He got a good reaction out of her the last time he mentioned her mother. It didn't take him long before figuring out it was her weakness. After all, she'd witnessed the whole thing. He wonders how she'll react this time if he digs a bit deeper. She might actually develop a dissociative disorder if he pushes the right buttons.

He admits that it would be fun to leave one girl messed up physically and mess up the other one mentally before killing them right in front of their father.

"Mike? Do you know that Belle's mother is dead?" he asks, his eyes locked with Mariana's. He doesn't miss how she stiffens, her already expanded eyes widening even more. "You obviously don't know since you were only after her pussy but I did some digging. Turns out," he grins before continuing, "she killed herself because of our righteous precious Belle,"

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