06 Bravery

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“Get the fuck out of here Adriana! You’re a disgrace! Is this how I raised you to be?” The middle-aged man shouted at his daughter.

“Noo!! Leave my mother alone!” The poor ten-year-old girl rushed forward to defend her speechless mother.

“You shut up you bastard child! Look at her hostility from such a young age. Like mother like daughter,” The man pushed her aside.

The brown-haired girl had no choice but to watch her mother being dragged out by her hair. She knew that it would be her turn next. Which it was. As she too got dragged and pushed onto the porch of the house.

“Don’t ever show your face here ever again! I won’t be so kind next time,” The man spat at them before closing his door with a slam.

The little girl watched in horror as her mother lay splattered across the porch, not making any movements. She didn’t dare go take a closer look and stayed glued to her spot a few feet away. After what seemed like ages, the brown-haired woman got up. She made sure to take her time as she gathered her belongings from the porch and started walking away. Not bothering to look back at her traumatized young daughter. Not knowing anything else to do, the little girl got up and ran after her.


My eyes open despite my unwillingness and I notice how it’s still dark outside. I shift my head to the side to my alarm on the nightstand. Three p.m. Ugh! I have to go get more pills soon or it’ll only get worse from here. I only had one pill left which I took earlier tonight. If I don’t get more pills soon then those dreams will only get worse and worse.

I get up, knowing that there’s no point in trying to go back to sleep. It’s been a while since I’ve woken up so early in the morning. What on earth should I do to pass the time? I don't enjoy studying so early and I don't feel like watching TV.

I get out of my room and make my way to the kitchen to get a light snack. This house is so big it takes me longer than it should to go from my room to the darn kitchen. On my way there I hear faint noises coming from the balcony. Could it be Aunt June? Kudos to her for working even this late at night. No wonder she's so wealthy.

I sneak back to my room. I ended up getting some chips and water. The faint noises from earlier are clearer now and it's not Aunt June. Rose? What is she doing up so late and who on earth is she talking to? I consider dismissing the matter but something she says stops me.

“I don't care how you're going to do it. I need it done!” She nearly shouts. “Yeah, YOU’LL get it done. Don't forget that you owe me,”

Slowly I make my way to the balcony and find her leaning on the railing, her fingers pressed to her temple.

“We have to make her pay for betraying us. We let this go and she’ll just get braver,” She says, sounding calmer now.

My God, I never knew Rose could be so scary. I wonder what the poor person did to get her so riled up. Oh well, it's not my business. Whoever it is, I wish you good luck. I turn around and head back to my room.

It feels like ages until it gets light outside. I've been up since three a.m. reading random comics online to pass the time. Now it's seven a.m. so I head downstairs expecting to see Mia. She's in the kitchen as usual making breakfast. She doesn't even look back to see it's me. She greets me while her head is stuck inside the fridge. I wonder what she'd do if she knew about the sex toy that was there a few days ago.

“Good morning, Mia,” I say back and go to get myself some coffee.

“Do you have anything planned for today?” She asks her usual question. This time, however, I nod my head.

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