This is hella bad

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Im tired and depressed and angry at ...something?


So imma shine the anger I have through this cute little yandere wukong story
8 am
Location is unknown
Who is our main character?
The six eared macaque

Macaque woke up not being able to look around him,everything was dark.
There were chains wrapped around his wrist and his waist.

Every time he tried to move he was met by an unbearable pain on his legs and the back of his head.
Where was he? Why was he there? Who is behind this kidnapping??

The questions that flew through his mind were interrupted as faint,muffled whistling was heard not too far from where he was.He considered screaming but without knowing who it was it would be a big risk.if it was the one that kidnapped him he would probably get in trouble,but if it's somebody who can help...

Macaque decided that it was better to not test his luck,and so he stayed quiet and waited...and waited...

And waited...

And waited...

Until finally he heard something.
loud muffled bangs from behind him,he could feel his back was entirely pressed against something,and adding the muffledness of the noises he concluded he was in some sort of room.

Loud yelling followed after the banging ceased,macaque couldn't make out what the people were saying but he did hear this
"You're disgusting if you think he'll love you"
A woman yelled,there was an extended moment of silence then...

Another bang.

It was louder.

Macaque heard as something was dragged across the floor.The noise grew louder alerting macaque that whoever kidnapped him and whoever he was talking with were getting closer.

A clear bang was heard as the wall behind him shook aggressively,making macaque wince out of pain.

Everything went quiet but he could feel there was someone or something in front of him.


Risky move macaque.
but it paid off...
Sort of...

A male voice was heard as the sound of something falling on the floor,startling macaque. "Mango?are you okay?" (Holy shit wukong,you done did it now.)

A slap was heard,possibly from the very stupid kidnapper slapping himself on the stupid face,thankfully for the kidnapper , macaque was in so much pain that he didn't hear what he had said.The kidnapper thanked the gods for giving him the luck of macaque not hearing his former nickname and figuring out who he was.

"Who are you?" Macaque recovered from the sharp sting the walls had given him and took his chance to gain as much information as possible.
"I'm sorry moonie...I can't tell you"

Macaque could feel how a hand ran through his cheek,which then patted his hair "dont touch-" before macaque could continue a sound was heard from beside him,it sounded like something was moving around.
macaque was about to comment on it when he felt the precense in front of him move to the side,then after a bit of time a loud bang that startled macaque was heard...again ( a lot of banging today :P) "sorry moonie,ill be right back" the same voice talking to macaque spoke sounding more annoyed than before,angry and annoyed.

Macaque decided to stay quiet and try to listen to as many details as he could.

Wukong walked in front of the woman now laying on the floor next to his precious angle (hehe) angel*,the same woman who dared to try and take his moonlight away from him.Wukong dragged the woman away from the room,further away from his angel.Unfortunately that was the only way Macaque would even contemplate the idea of trusting him.
after all...would you trust someone who makes a person scream in more agonizing and animalistic ways than dead men on the deep pits of hell? Right in front of you no less?

The obvious answer would be "no" (if it's yes,either see a therapist or msg me ;D)

Wukong was crazy,sure,but he wasn't crazy enough to scare his mate for fun (like,who would do that? It's,like,so messed up) or so he thought.

Something about seeing macaque so helpless under him made him feel some type of way...he liked it,he liked it a LOT.

Maybe this awoke something in him,after all the time he had spent trying to have that black furred monkey all for him...he finally had him.

And he could do whatever he wanted to him

Macaque didn't think this way though,he was waiting for a chance to escape,but first he had to know who the hell got him AND HOW THE HELL THEY GOT HIM.

Meanwhile (im tires)

Macaque struggled against the chains wrapped around his wrists,they didn't seem to budge at all and the struggling was making him be in even more pain than before.Macaque knew he had to get out but his body just wouldn't listen to him,he tried to open a portal to escape,he tried to detect where he was with his shadow powers but nothing worked.

Then out of nowhere there was a knock on 'his room' he still had the blindfold on so he didn't know where it came from.The room was made in a way that the sound echoed through the entire space,giving him no chance of figuring out where it came from.

"Moonie? Are you alright in there?" Was the kidnapper stupid or just an absolute ass? A slap was heard from outside the room,wukong had slapped himself for being so stupid "I mean,I-I know you're not actually okay but uh..."
'Dammit wukong stop being so dumb in front of your mate!' Wukong yelled at himself for being dumb "I brought you some fruit..." Wukong paused for a second before adding "it's not poisoned :)"

Macaque obviously didn't trust what the guy said,so he didn't respond. "Moonshine?" Macaque quivered at the sound of that nickname,the way the man said it gave him chills.He felt disgusted but somehow he could also feel his heart speeding up.

Then suddenly he felt the blindfold loosen,he took his chance to get it off with his pained arms.He had no time to worry about pain though,the kidnapper was coming in and he would probably never get a chance to see who got him if he just stayed still.

Then he saw them
He saw him

Macaque was terrified
No,Not terrified...

Wukong did this?
Was it Wukong who did something for him to not feel his legs at all?

It can't be...
Will macaque die?

(Also I finished this at 2:19 am so please have mercy)

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