☼ ʜᴇᴀʀɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴏꜱᴇ ᴡᴏʀᴅꜱ (ɪᴛ ᴍᴀᴋᴇꜱ ᴍᴇ ᴡᴇᴀᴋ)

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ʜᴇᴀʀɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴏꜱᴇ ᴡᴏʀᴅꜱ (ɪᴛ ᴍᴀᴋᴇꜱ ᴍᴇ ᴡᴇᴀᴋ)

     'Lips of an Angel' by Hinder, but it's a PatPran fic where Pat is married to Punch (novel), but they're having issues with their marriage after several years of semi-bliss. They're technically separated but are still living in the same house because of their kids.

     Pat and Pran have known each other since they were born, not neighbours and no family fued (a.k.a Ming wasn't an asshole and listened to his father), but Dissaya and Praew went to the same "mummy and me" playgroup in their little tight-knit neighbourhood.

     They clicked instantly, and Dissaya and Pakorn rekindled their old friendships with Ming whilst finding a friend in Praew as well. Pat and Pran grew up as best friends, but that's not to say that it didn't — however briefly — dip into something else in their teenage + uni years.

     Pran does go off to singapore for his architect apprenticeship (with lots of tears from Pat, of course, who doesn't want to let his bestie go) and Pat meets Punch while Pran is abroad. They start dating — with Pran's approval of course — and Pat proposes to her a few years later.

     Keep in mind that, all the while Pat and Punch are seeing each other, Pat and Pran get drunk together one too many times and end up fucking more than once. They decide it's best not to tell Punch, because Pat really does lover her — even though she's not Pran.

     The night before the wedding, Pat turns up at Pran's, absolutely shit-faced and sobbing about how he made the wrong decision; how he should have chosen Pran instead of Punch. Pran is a weak man when it comes to Pat, so he caves and allows Pat to stay, even though he knows better.

     Pran tells Pat that he loves him, unaware that Pat isn't as drunk as he seems, and that he can still comprehend what he's being told. Pat makes the decision to bare his heart as well, and, this time, they don't fuck: they make love. There's no regret. None.

     Pat looks ravishing in his wedding suit, Paa and Dissaya and Praew fluttering around him, tittering and laughing about how "Punch is so lucky to be marrying such a handsome man." Pran wants to throw up. Pat wants to grab Pran and leave. But they made this choice.

     Pran's heart shatters as Pat and Punch say their vows barely an hour later, wanting nothing more than to stop the wedding and run away with Pat. But he has no right — he is Pat's best friend; his best man, and Pran can't ruin this wedding for his own selfishness and desire.

     Fast forward a few years and Pat and Punch have year-old twins: a daughter and a son, who absolutely adore their uncle Pran because he spoils the absolute shit out of them. It's only a few times over the years that either Pat or Pran slip up, but they still never tell Punch.

     One time, Pat and Punch have an awful fight about a house they're looking at buying, and Punch yells something like: "You'd rather buy a house with Pran than with me! So why don't you?" Pat doesn't retaliate, he just leaves their apartment and goes to Pran. Pran's always there.

     It's when the kids are starting school that Pat and Punch realise that their marriage has never really made much sense. They're rarely intimate, and, when they are, they're imagining being with someone else. Punch is the one to admit it first, that she's been seeing someone else.

     Pat only admits that he and Pran have fooled around after Punch tells him about May, a pretty girl who Punch works with. He expects her to be mad, but all she does is smile and say: "I know, Pat. I have always known. You looked at him on our wedding day, and I knew."

     They amicably "separate" and sleep in different rooms, only staying together for the kids. Pat leaves whenever May comes over, and Punch doesn't need to ask when she sees Pran dropping Pat off. They don't tell anyone about their decision, which ultimately backfires on all of them.

     Pran calls Pat up one night, a right mess because Dissaya and Pakorn have somehow found out about him and Pat. May turns up on their doorstep with a packed bag and her pillow, sobbing because her best friend kicked her out after finding out about Punch.

     Pat packs a bag that night and kisses his kids goodnight before heading off to Pran's place, only a few blocks away. Punch wishes him luck as she cradles her mess of a girlfriend to her chest, shushing her in hopes that her kids stay asleep. It's an absolute mess.

     They don't know how to explain it all to their kids right now, and they know that it will take some time before they're able to. Neither Pat nor Punch wanted any of this to happen — but it has, and now they have to face the consequences of their decisions.

     It takes some time — a few years at least — before things start to settle down once everything has been explained to their families. Punch and May fly to the States to get married in June, + Pat and Pran fly over to get married in mid October, as the leaves fall in golden shades.

     The kids have two sets of holidays: one with their dad and uncle Pran, and the other with their mum and aunty May. When asked who their parents are, it's always: "We have two mummies and two daddies." No one questions the twins about it.

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