✩ ʙᴇʏᴏɴᴅ ᴡʜᴀᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ᴇʏᴇꜱ ᴄᴀɴ ꜱᴇᴇ - ɪᴅᴇᴀ

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ʙᴇʏᴏɴᴅ ᴡʜᴀᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ᴇʏᴇꜱ ᴄᴀɴ ꜱᴇᴇ — ɪᴅᴇᴀ

i'm back with my fem!patpran agenda today. i saw, again, an art of medusa having a blind lover, and i just... it's so adorable that i wanna cry.(why do i make *pat* blind in my fem!patpran aus??? why not pran???)

just imagine though...

pran, either cursed by athena or born as a gorgon, not trusting anyone because she has been betrayed, or being able to love anyone properly because she turns them all to stone when they look into her eyes.

pat, either born a blind seer or cursed to be blind by the gods, sent to her death by men because she has been named a false seer/oracle by a rich man's unfaithful wife because she didn't like what she had been told.

     "You are brave to enter into my temple, girl," Pran mocks, accompanied by the hissing of many serpents. "What do you hope to accomplish by coming here? There is nothing worth your while amidst stone."

     Pat's hand slips across stone and she looks around wildly, milky eyes unseeing. "Who are you...? Where are you...?"

     Pran takes note of the girl's blindness and steps forward, taking hold of her shaky hands. "I am right here. Don't fret, dear girl."

     "Your hands... Why do they have scales upon their backs?"

     "You truly have no idea where you are, do you?" Pran leads the girl over to a chair, sitting her down. "Tell me what has happened to you, why you have ended up in my temple."

     "Where...? Who are you?"

     Pran smiles cruelly, sharp teeth upon display. "They call me Medusa; a beast, but you can call me Pran."

     Pat's heart skitters. "You are no beast. The gods have wronged you, much like they have wronged me."

     "Oh, you're an Oracle. Tell me, did they curse you with this blindness?"

     "They did, for a prophecy that they did not like when I was but a child." Pat's voice is bitter, and it tugs at Pran's heart. "The men of my home cast me out, for a prophecy that one of the women did not like."

     Pran laughs. "Gods and mortals are not so different, dear girl."

     "She is an adulterer, and the child that she bears is to a minor god, not to her husband. Her husband is not a god-fearing man, and he will cut down the god who has bedded his wife." 

     "...women are not so faithful any longer. They will bed whoever gifts them the most attention."

     Pat smiles, quite unkindly, her unseeing eyes staring through Pran, unnerving the Gorgon. "Do you fear me, Pran? Do you fear the mouthpiece of the gods who have cursed you?"

     "Should I fear you, mortal girl? You are only alive because I cannot turn you to stone."

     "You can kill me in other ways, but you have not done so yet. Why is that? Do you need to know the names of your victims, Pran?"

     The Gorgon shakes her head, grinning. "I have no need for the names of the dead. But I will take yours."


     "Such a lovely name," Pran says, drawing out the 's' with a soft hiss that makes Pat giggle. "And such a pretty face to pair it with."

     Pat jumps at the touch of Pran's fingers to her face. "Are you going to kill me now? Will you kill me now?"

     "Mmm, no. I don't think that I will kill you, Pat. You may be of use to me yet."

     "And you maybe be useful to me as well, Pran. I may be blind, but I am not so naïve."

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