Chapter Three

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*Dominic's POV*
"Jade hurry the fuck up" i yell through the house as i sit on the couch in annoyance, while my beautiful bride takes her time getting ready. She's probably changed her dress three times now which i know is because she nervous for her performance tonight at the club opening.

i groan as loud as possible to make sure she hears me and i make my way upstairs to our bedroom bathroom.

"Babe we need to leave soon if we're going to make it there on time." i begin to say as i open the bathroom door but i'm stopped dead in my tracks as i see her sitting on the toilet lid with a white stick in her hand and she's biting her nails. her big brown eyes looks up into mine and i can tell she's too anxious to speak

"this thing is taking forever." she finally responds in a shaky voice and i quickly sit on the bathroom floor next to her and i stare at the blank pregnancy test. "Say something." she whines, but i cant. So many things are going through my mind in this moment and i just sit there in shock. i look up to her to see that she's been staring at me the whole time. "i don't know what to say" i finally whisper.

i pull my knees up to my chest and rest my arms on them and think about all the possible outcomes that could come with having a child. As much as i would love to start a family with Jade, i'm just nervous about raising a child in the business that we're in. I reach up and grab her hand and gently pull her down to the floor with me and she sits between my legs with her back to my chest. I wrap my arms around her waist and lay my head on her back as we wait in silence for the results to come back.

"Babe." her small voice calls out to me after minutes, that feels like hours. I peek over her shoulder and my heart begins to race as she sobs loudly in my arms. She quickly gets off the floor and makes her way to the door but i get up and grab her arm and pull her into my arms and she cries hard into my chest "I just really want to start a family with you!" she cries out and my heart breaks. "i know baby, shhh it's okay."

I try my best to soothe her but i can't help but to feel guilty as a sense a relief washes over me and i silently thank God. I pull away from our embrace and i cup her face in my hands and kiss her lips tenderly, the only thing on my mind right now is to make her feel better. "Baby look at me." Her big brown eyes that i love so much looks up into mine and i can feel my knees get weak from such a simple action.

"I love you so much, and i don't want you to let this get you down, we have the rest of our lives together to try for a baby and i promise you, we will, okay?"

She simply nods and i bring my thumbs up to wipe her tears and she gives me a slight smile.

"i have to fix my makeup." she says to me with a small chuckle and i pull away from her and sit down on the toilet lid and watch her intently as she wipes away the black streaks from the bottom of her eyes. My body starts to feel like jelly as i analyze her body, she's wearing a simple thin strapped black dress that hits the floor and hugs her body perfectly,there's a slit on the side that shows off her smooth legs and the red bottoms i bought her for her birthday last year. I get up and move behind her and wrap my arms around her waist, leaving little kisses down her chin and neck.  "Babe stop distracting me we're going to be late." She says to me in her sweet voice that i love so much and lets out a giggle. "I'm sorry baby, i just love you so much, it drives me crazy." I muffle into her neck. I fight the urge to take her back to our room, so i just lay my head on her shoulder and watch as she finishes. It doesn't take long for her to finish her makeup and soon we're out the door on our way to the club. The drive is silent as i continue to look back and forth between her and the road , she's staring out the window and seems to be in deep thought. i grab my phone from the cup holder and play the only song i know that will cheer her up, the song that played during our first dance on our wedding day.

I grab her hand and intertwine our fingers as Beyoncé voice plays through the speaker and i see her look over to me and smile.

"Baby I love you, you are my life
My happiest moments weren't complete if you weren't by my side." I start to sing out to her. She has the biggest smile on her face and my heart begins to beat faster in my chest at the beautiful sight.

"I am in love with you, You set me free, I can't do this thing called life without you here with me Cause I'm dangerously in love with you I'll never leave Just, just keep loving me the way I love you loving me." i sing loudly and the sound of her laugh booms throughout the car and she leans over the center console and kisses my cheek. " You always know what to do to make me feel better huh?" She says to me softly as she tugs at my hair and kisses down my chin. Fuck i love this girl more than words can explain.

I continue to sings songs to her from our wedding playlist as we get closer to the club, and her laughter fills the car the entire ride as i mess up lyrics to songs and sing loudly.

We finally reach the club, surprisingly not to late, and i run over to Jades side of the car and let her out. She thanks me, as she always does, as i hand my keys to the valet and we make our way inside.

When we walk in and the sight is greater than i imagined it would be, the club is packed with people enjoying drinks and music and Jade grabs my hand as she jumps up in excitement.

"Oh my God it's so many people here." She gasps, smiling up at me. "I know babe we fucking did it!" I say to her as I pick her up and spin her around, but our moment shortly comes to an end when Chris comes over clapping.

"You guys did great this place is fire as hell." He speaks out pulling us both into hugs. "Thank you man i really appreciate it!" i say to him after our hug ends. "You're here! I can't believe you made it!" I hear Jade yell beside me and i look over to see her pulling Anthony and his boyfriend Charlie in for hugs and i walk over to greet them. "How could i miss this, i'm so fucking proud of you guys!" Anthony slurs his words as he speaks and i can tell hes already been enjoying multiple drinks tonight. "Do i need to tell the bar to cut you off." I joke, pointing to the glass of brown liquid in his hands, i laugh as i remember the days when we would all get drunk together and Anthony would always be the one to become sloppy. He laughs and hits my arm slightly "No i swear i'm fine."

I let out a chuckle and i glance up to see Chris in the corner talking to someone on his phone.

"Uhh excuse me i have some business to handle." I say to the group and i leave quickly making my way over to Chris. "Was that Antonio?" i question as he hangs up the phone.

"Yeah this mother fuckers going to be late."

I let out a loud huff as Chris ends his sentence and i start to regret even agreeing to this meeting in the first place. "Okay fine, just find me when he gets here."

Before he could say anything else, i storm off and make my way over to the bar.

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