Chapter Seven

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*Dominics POV*
"Yoo what's up familia!" I hear a familiar voice yell from downstairs.

I let out a loud groan and stand up from the couch, holding my hand out for Jade to take.

"Remind me to take away Alex's key." i tell her as we walk out of the studio. We make our way down the stairs to see him already rummaging through the refrigerator, pulling out various things to make a sandwich.

"Good to see you too, Alex make yourself at home." Jade mumbles as she flops down on the couch and i sit down next to her.

"Thanks sis." he says finishing his sandwich, walking over to the couch and kissing her on the cheek. We both watch him as he sits down on the couch across from us and takes a bite of his sandwich.

Me and Jade look at each other with confused faces and I finally speak up.

"Why are you here?" i ask with a chuckle.

"Oh yeah right, my bad. Chris is downstairs we got business to handle." he takes another bite of his sandwich nonchalantly and i let out a sigh rubbing my hands down my face.

"Then why didn't you say that when you first came in?"

"Obviously because i was hungry duh. Now let's go." He finishes the last bit and stands up walking towards the door. I drop my head down and let out a laugh as i stand up to leave. Before i could leave Jade grabs my hand and pulls me back.

"What business? Should i come?" she asks staring into my eyes. i feel guilty about lying to her about the situation but i can't have her knowing anything about this.

"It's just new game plans since we're merging with Antonio and his people in a couple of days. It's not that important" I tell her simply. She looks at me like she knows that i'm lying but she nods and holds up her hand. We do our handshake and i give her a kiss after. "I love you so much, be safe okay?" she says cutely, and my knees start to feel weak, making me want to stay home and cuddle with her.

i go to respond but Alex interrupts.

"I really hate to interrupt this love fest but we really have to go." i shoot him a glare and lean down and kiss Jade again. "I love you too baby i'll be back soon." i tell her and grab my jacket off of the hook next to the door and leave.

"Dude you haven't told her yet?" Alex asks me as soon as we walk out of the door. "No dude and i'm not going to. I don't want to risk her going down in any of this if it happens, i don't even want you in on this, matter of fact, how the fuck do you know?" i stop walking to ask him and he scratches the back of his neck awkwardly before he responds.

"i was listening in on Chris and Tony talking about it last night at the club after you left and i told Chris i wanted in and that i had an idea. He told me we should talk about it at the meeting."

I sigh and press the button to the elevator. "Okay listen to me carefully Alex, what Chris and I do is nothing like you're used to, this isn't just selling weed and coke on the corner anymore, this shit is next level and i need to know that you're actually in this. It's serious shit." I tell him slowly making sure he understands.

"I'm not a kid anymore Dom, i'm ready, give me whatever." he tells me and i can tell he's serious.

i'm hesitant letting him into the shit that i do, he's not a kid anymore but he's still the little brother that i raised and i wouldn't know what to with myself if something happens to him.

"yeah okay, we'll see."

we make our way out of the elevator and into the truck and i dap up Chris when i get in.

"Took y'all long enough." He groans, cranking up the car and pulling off.

"Cause big ears had to make a sandwich." i tell him, and he lets out a laugh and shakes his head.

"Tonio's going to meet us at the warehouse Alex, so all the emotions need to be kept outside those walls." Chris says sternly after it being silent for a while. I turn around to look at Alex and he's glaring at Chris through the rear view mirror.

"Y'all don't have to keep telling me shit, i get it." he rolls his eyes and pulls out his AirPods and put them in to tune us out.

"You trust him with this shit?" Chris asks looking back and forth between me and the road.

I sigh and slouch back in my seat. "Yeah i guess i do. Alex is a smart kid."

The rest of the ride is silent until we reach the Warehouse.

We get there and we make our way to the office where Antonio is already there scrolling through his phone at the table. He picks his head up from his phone and spots Alex and sends me a confused face.

"You sure he's ready be in on this?" He asks with concern lacing his voice.

Before i could respond Alex hits his hands on the table grabbing all of our attention.

"I don't know how many fucking times i have to tell you niggas that I know what i'm doing, for y'all to get it through your heads, but make this the last time because I do know what i'm doing and unlike you idiots that came into this meeting empty handed hoping to brainstorm ideas, i actually already have one that i stayed up all night planning, that i know would work. So if you would get your heads out of your asses and listen i would like to explain it." he says sternly all in one breath and i lean back in my chair with a proud smirk on my face. I look at Chris and Antonio and let out a chuckle.

"I think we should hear the man out." I tell them.

"Thank you. Now what i was going to say is, there's this huge Jewelry store not that far from Poise that i think we should hit up, i went there earlier to scope it out and the security alarm and cameras are all under the same network and looks pretty easy for me to hack and disarm with my laptop. We could easily get around 2 million doing this but we have to be smart and strategic."

I watch as Chris leans back in his chair and looks at Alex in disbelief.

"Y'all asked me if i trusted him in this or if he was ready, i think he just proved himself." I say and reach across the table to dap Alex up.

"Okay this idea is kind of perfect. I know a guy who could melt the jewelry down and turn it into cash, but if we're going to do this it needs to be tonight to give him enough time to be done by the end of the week. I'll go make the call and tell him to meet us at the club after." Antonio says standing up and patting Alex on the shoulder, he gives him a quick "Good Job." before he leaves.

"Okay so we need a get away car, i don't want to risk pulling up in one of our cars and cameras in the area pick up our tags." i tell them and Chris nods, "i'll get on it." he says and leaves.

It's just me and Alex left in the office and i stare at him with a smile on my face. He looks at me confused and responds.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Bro i'm just proud of you, you stepped the fuck up. Tonight after the job we need to welcome you into the team properly, i'm treating you to all the shots you can drink." i say loudly and he laughs while i talk.

"Okay bet let's do this"

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