The Unlikely guest

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POV Peter

As I'm sitting at my desk trying to plan out what I am going to work on first, the idea is to attempt to rebuild. Karen comes to mind, but I think that's more of something I'd wanna work on by myself with Harley and Ivy instead of in Wayne Tech, where someone might try and steal the design for me, so let's keep that in mind but figure out something else to do. Why don't I try making an alarm clock that can withstand super strength, but also has tech built into it that can read how the person has slept.

What different stages of sleep they were in and how long they were in them And can tell them what the temperature is like that day so that they can dress accordingly. As I start writing out all the ideas that are flying through my mind on how to make this alarm clock, my spidey senses go off telling me that there's someone approaching. As I turn to look at the person who is approached my desk, I see a woman who looks to be at least a couple years older than I am with dyed pink hair, and a very tight crop top with leggings, her face Unlike Miss Jeffersons isn't caked with makeup, but you can still tell that there is some.

"Hi my name is Caitie you're the new intern here right?" The pink haired girl states "yeah I am Peter. It's nice to meet you" "well if you want someone to show you the ropes you can always just ask me my desk is three down for yours and two to the left." "Oh desk is really close to Miss Jefferson's office." "Yeah, I am her assistant" I can already tell that she is going to be a pain just by the sound of your voice you can tell she's pick me girl and desperately wants all the attention on her kinda like Miss Jefferson anyways, I thank Caitie and say that I want to get back to my work she does a bit of a huff and then leaves.

Hopefully I won't have to deal with her for a while. I start writing down all the materials that I might need to build my alarm clock. I'm going to need to use a very strong metal or plastic that doesn't break under my superstrength. I'm thinking I'm gonna use a combination of steel and aluminium and then I'm gonna have to figure out what to do for the circuit board and the tech inside but I think right now I wanna make sure that the framing on the outside works before I start moving to the stuff on the inside I obviously got so lost in my head trying to figure out how I'm going to make this work that I didn't even notice the time flying by and I'm knocked out of my head by my senses telling me that someone is approaching me I turn and it's Matthew.

"Hey Pete, kind of wondering when you were gonna take your lunch break you were supposed to start like an hour ago" "oh thank you for telling me I got so lost in my own head that I didn't even realise what time it was in all honesty if you hadn't come talk to me, I probably would've continued working All the way until someone told me to leave". "Oh yeah, no problem man go take your lunch break you look like you're starving." I leave Matthew to head to the elevators to make my way down to the cafeteria level.

I start feeling weird sensation that's happening around me as I get off the elevator and into the cafeteria area, the sensation becomes stronger and there's a weird tugging in my gut trying to get me to go to one corner of the cafeteria but right now I need food since I haven't eaten since breakfast and I was only able to eat half of my breakfast, so I go up to the cafeteria line and I take three pieces of pizza Two chicken wings and a whole bunch of fries.

Now I know this isn't the healthiest lunch there is but come on super metabolism gotta have nutrition and this is the quickest way I can get carbs, protein and veggies all at once. Please note I grabbed three different kinds of pizza. I grabbed meat lovers, a full vegetarian pizza, and then a Hawaiian pizza. Now that I have my food I start instinctively following the tugging in my gut as I'm walking through the cafeteria. I can now see the person I bumped into this morning sitting at a table now.

Normally I would've gone and sat with him, but something tells me that I shouldn't so I take my food and I go sit at the table nearest me as I start to eat. My mind starts wandering to why I have this feeling because normally if I feel a tug in my gut, it's telling me that there's danger, but my senses aren't alerting me that I'm in any danger before I realised it I finished all my food so I packed up my tray and all the garbage that I have left from the chicken and the pizza and the fries and I walk over to the garbage can where you can place your garbage, and then put your tray on top so that they may be washed and reused.

After I do that I start heading back to the elevator so that I can get back to my floor and get back to my desk as I get in the elevator you'll never guess who steps in with me.... that's right Ms. Jefferson. She seems super absorbed in her phone right now and I don't really want to repeat of this morning so I just stay silent kind of fidgeting in the corner as she gets off, she walks straight into her office and slams the door so hard everyone on our floor looked over at her I quietly and stealthily make my way out of the elevator and back to my desk.

When I get back there I realise that it is now 3:30 and the internship ends in an hour, man I really gotta get a start on this plan. I start making basic measurements of what size it needs to be and all that how I'm going to combine the steel and aluminium. I took all the notes down and then I placed them all into a file so that I can take them home because you know I don't want anyone stealing my work. It's happened before if you don't believe me it happened at Stark industries.

Luckily enough, Mr. Stark recognized my work immediately and promptly fired them. Nobody's ever stolen my stuff again aside from flash, but that's flash. As the workday is coming to a close, I'm feeling very accomplished with myself. I have somehow managed to survive my first day at an internship. An internship that does not involve a superhero persona internship or I do not personally know the person who owns the company. I clock out and head towards the elevators so I can catch a ride down, but as I get on, so does Caitie the pink haired pick me girl who hasn't stopped looking at me.

I put my headphones in to try and avoid conversation, but she doesn't really get the hint as she keeps trying to talk to me as I get off the elevator, I rush out through the front door as quickly as I can And start the walk home now as I'm walking headphones in but still alert because you know it's Gotham. There's a blinding light that catches my eye coming from an alleyway that's just up ahead. I quicken my pace and as I enter the alleyway all I hear is "I HAVE BEEN FALLING FOR THIRTY MINUTES!"

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