Arrows collide

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Third pov

Somewhere in starling city

We see an ongoing fight happening between green arrow and deathstroke. It's very obvious that deathstroke is gaining the upper hand. They're exchanging normal conversation that they normally would when there's a sudden burst of white light that surrounds the warehouse they're fighting in as the white light fades all they can see is a purple arrow Flying through the air towards deathstroke, when the lighting is back to normal, we see Clint Barton, standing with an arrow knocked ready to fire at deathstroke

POV, Oliver

As my eyes readjust to the lighting around me, I can feel weird tingle go through my body and All of a sudden I see the outline of an arrow tip on my right forearm. I stand there, frozen for a solid minute before I come back to my senses and realise this man who's just appeared in front of me is my soulmate.

I'm pulled from my mind by this melodious voice, "hey get your head in the game we gotta take care of him. Don't we?" My soulmate yells at me from across the room snapping back into fight mode, I get my bow ready to fire some more rounds at deathstroke the battle resumes and my soulmate and I are in perfect Sink without even trying. My soulmate Sends an arrow flying towards Deathstroke that, as soon as it's close to him, releases a piercing loud sound that knocks Deathstroke out.

As I am recovering from the shrill blast, that seemed even more piercing than a canary cry. I looked over to my soulmate to see him, retrieving his arrows, as if the sound didn't bother him at all.

POV, Clint

After Parker disappeared in a white blast, all I hear are two different cries, one and defeat on the other and agony. Suddenly the battlefield goes silent. All of the members of Thanos's Army start dusting away one by one. Thanos is the last to go, the last thing he utters is , "I'm sorry for your loss''.

I don't know who that was aimed towards it might've been all of us it might've just been Tony but I know we're all gonna feel the pain from this day after a good couple minutes of silence as everyone processes what has happened I hear Tony let out a heart wrenching so And then screams in such denial starts to walk over to comfort and I can see not going to do the same.

I decide to go and look around for all the others that I can't see at this moment as I go to walk around I can hear Sam talking to someone who he calls TicTac Saying he's happy that he'll be able to see his daughter again and then I hear a buzz fly by my ear and all of a sudden a woman and a man appears standing before Sam as I go to question what just happened another bright white light surrounds the battlefield and want to open my eyes All I see is white I can't hear a sound aside from my own breathing the normal human reaction would be panic but my first reaction was to sit down and calm my mind after I've been meditating for a couple minutes I ,fully process just what happened this kid only a little older than Cooper Just sacrificed his life to save everyone else's.

I stand and grab my bow and not an arrow. I have a feeling I'm gonna be here for quite some time, so might not make the most impact as I notch my arrow and get my stance. all of a sudden I'm surrounded in a bright white light, and I find myself in a dark and gloomy warehouse I take a couple seconds to process what's happening around me and I see another archer with his bow pointed at a guy with two swords and a mask that's very strange on instinct I release my arrow, heading towards the masked, strange man with swords as I launch a few more I take a quick glance over to the other archer and realise that he's frozen in place so I call out "hey get your in the game, we gotta take care of him, Don't we?" that snaps him out of his frozen position and we both start firing round after round of arrows at sword man we're in perfect unison, even though it takes most archers years even decades to become in unison with someone else.

I finally decided enough is enough I've realised throughout this battle that my hearing aids must have malfunctioned or broken so I take out a sonic arrow load it up and fire it at the man as it reached within inches of his face it released the most piercing loud sound that stark could come up with it knocked the sword man out. I go to start collecting my arrows cause who knows when I'll be able to get some more as I'm doing so I decide it's better to just take my hearing aids out and make sure that I can keep them in a safe place so that they can't get more broken than they already are.

As I am retrieving my final arrow, I see the other archer stand up from his place and make his way over to me. I turn around just as he gets to me and he starts speaking but he's speaking really fast so I can't actually make out what he's saying by just reading his lips, so I put my hand up to stop him and then point my ears. This is a universal sign for I can't hear and I am deaf. He seems stunned in disbelief then I notice a tingling feeling on my left forearm as I place my bow around my back I roll up the sleeve of my costume. I see a green arrow on my arm as if tattooed there, but I've never gotten a tattoo and I promise Tasha that the first tattoo I get would be of her choice, fuck Tasha's gonna kill me

POV, Oliver

As I finally get out of my head, I stand and walk over to my soulmate. I can hear Roy and Felicity trying to speak to me through my headpiece, but I'm too enhanced, staring at my soulmate just as I'm about to reach out to tap him on the shoulder, he turns around to face me, he's not wearing a mask.

I can see blonde hair almost exactly like my own and stunning crystal blue eyes, I need to speak to him. I need to ask him who he is so I start with "hi who are you? How did you get here I think we need to talk in private" I start rambling on, when he holds up his hand to stop me and then points at his ears, he can't hear me so I placed my bow around my shoulders that I can use my hands and I take my gloves off I place them in my quiver and I start signing. Hi, my name is Oliver, do you know where you are? The man responded with hello Oliver my name is Clint no I don't know where I am the last thing that I remember is standing in a battlefield morning over the loss of a spectacular person.

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