Hawkeye meets team arrow

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Pov oliver

As I lead Clint back to base, I can see a very confused look, passed through his eyes, but not the rest of his face, that obviously indicates that he's had some form of training. His eyes keep scanning every little detail of everything that we pass as if he's waiting for a trap or something. I wonder if he's a government agent, but aside from the confused look in his eyes there's also a look of sadness and longing, barely visible to see, and I wouldn't have saw if I didn't have as keen of eyesight as I did, he told me about how this spectacular person died from how he is. I'm gonna guess it was a big battle but the justice league would've been informed of a battle of such kind because we would've been asked to go help which makes me wonder what does the justice league not know

POV, Clint

As Oliver leads me somewhere, I take this chance to look at my surroundings. It's very dark there's not many exits. It's already making me nervous and given the fact that I now can't hear anything just puts me on edge even more. Damn, I really wish one of those tech geniuses would hear, you would really help the situation. Guess I'm just gonna have to get by without hearing for a while but something tells me that one of them is here whether it be that Condon, princess or stark himself I gotta do is find them and then they can fix this for me and we can figure out how to get back home, by the time we make it to wherever Oliver was taking me, I realise that I zoned out for most of the ride, trying to think about who could possibly fix my hearing aids, and I finally focus my attention on what's happening around me

As we arrive at a nightclub scene, we seem to go around the building and into a back entrance still on Oliver's motorcycle after we pull in I can see four different faces looking at Oliver as if he's crazy and looking at me as if I am someone that's not to be trusted and I totally understand given my training but still I have no idea where the hell I am I just witnessed Parker die And I can't hear anything. Honestly I'm kind of surprised I'm not freaking out. Wait a second, where is nat?

I start frantically looking around searching for Natasha. My breathing seems to pick up. Oliver is the first to notice. He instantly hops off the motorbike after turning it off, grabs my shoulders, and is trying to study my breathing, I think you forgot that I can't hear anything right now because all I see is his lips moving and I'm far too panicked to actually be able to read what he said so that kind of pushes me further into a panic attack but then I remember what Bruce taught us for when any of us got a PTSD episode or a panic attack calm your mind What are five things you can see I can see Oliver two girls two guys case that seems to hold a suit and a whole bunch of weapons now normally it would take me entire possession to actually calm myself down from one of these but something about seeing Oliver just calmed me down immediately I finally focussed back in on my surroundings.

I can see all the other people panicking, trying to figure out what the hell to do and Oliver just seems frozen so I wave my hand in front of his face I make the motion to him as well as speaking, even though I don't know how I sound right now you remember I'm deaf, right seems to freeze realisation hits all over across the face. He then turned to everyone around him and asked them hey can you guys head out and I didn't catch the rest of it because he was facing away from me so I couldn't read what he was saying.

Oliver pov

As I lead Clint to my motorcycle so that I can take him to the cave, he is fidgety yet still at the same time, as if his body wants to fidget, but it just can't I honestly don't know how to describe it other than my own body does it, but as I'm driving the only thing that's reassuring me that he is here his arms are around me and I can feel him turn his head every now and again as we pull up to base I finally turn my coms back on and I can hear everyone panicking asking what the hell is happening? After the overload of screaming courtesy by Diggle and Felicity, they finally calm down enough so that I can actually speak.

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