Suspension IS Torture

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3rd pov

As everyone finally processes that Peter's hoodie has ripped, Damien can see his blackened meatless arm before anyone can get another word in, Karen Jefferson starts screaming. "He's a monster, he shouldn't be here. He's an abomination to society. Get him out of my department now!" before she can continue Speaks up in a firm voice. "Can't you see your causing him to have a panic attack go to my father's office right now and tell him to look at the security cameras from this floor from 10 minutes ago" everyone is dead silent as Damien speaks, we can see the doubt crossing Karen's face as she tries to figure out if he's being, serious or not by looking at his face, and seeing the dead eyes staring back at her, she instantly rushes to the elevator.

As Karen flees to the elevator, we can see Matthew making his way over to Peter to try and calm him down but before he even gets within a 5 foot radius of Peter Damien goes into a guard dog mode. Some might describe it as his own dog defending Damien, those that have seen Damien and his dog are very quick to make a connection of how closely they resemble each other aside from the obvious glare.

Karen, now entering the elevator, starts muttering to herself, thinking that she is just talking in her head, because according to her, muttering is a horrible habit that needs to be removed from the planet. "He's faking it that that's not a real certificate, and he needs to be fired immediately. How can I let the monster work here?" As the elevator approaches Wayne's personal floor Karen starts trying to figure out how to spin this in her favour. "The boy assaulted me. He threw himself at me and I had to defend myself, and then I discovered his arm yeah yeah that's what I'll say" as the elevator dings, we see Jason standing next to a set of large double doors that seem to be guarded by a muscular male figure. Karen makes her way to the door.

The blonde muscular figure stops her before she can push open the door, "ma'am where do you think you're going?" "I was sent here to see Mr. Wayne by his son." Jason responded to her "you were sent by Timbo?" "no the other son" "Dickwad?" "no the short one" "oh demon spawn!" "all right, I will let Mr. Wayne know" the blonde figure answers, "no hold up their buds. I can tell Brucie bear myself." "Are you sure you wanna do that Jay I don't wanna deal with the fight between you too." "That's fine, Bruce was expecting me" "all right" as Jason enters the office, we can see Bruce sitting at his desk working on a computer. "Bruce, apparently demon spawn, sent one of the workers up to talk to you." "Yes I am aware thank you Jason Damien had sent me a text five minutes ago, saying that one of the managers on the intern floor was causing one of the interns to have a panic attack and wasn't believing a certificate of something, please tell Roy to send her in"

"Before I do that, what was that thing you wanted to talk to me about?" "Oh yes I wanted to inform you that Alfred is asking to have you at the manor for dinner for the next couple days" "as much as I want to say go fuck yourself it's Alfred so I can't say no, please tell him that I will be making cookies later Bruce" as Jason exit the office. He can hear Roy arguing with the lady outside. "No ma'am you cannot enter until I haven't given permission to let you enter." "I work here and I can do anything I want." "I'm sorry ma'am, but this is the owner of Wayne Tech, personal floor. I cannot let you in, unless I have been given express permission from Mr. Wayne himself." "Yes, Mr. Wayne's son told me to come up here." "I understand that his son told you to come up here but his son is not in charge of the company."

"This is ridiculous" taking a quick look at Bruce we can see that he is a little annoyed with what is happening outside of his door and when Jason finally finally exits the door, we can see the lady stomping her foot as if that will make it so that she can Get Her Way, "Roy I said you can let her in" "that is not how you talk to your superior young man" "I'm sorry I wasn't talking to you" "yes Mr. Wayne is your superior you should be calling him, Mr. Wayne" Roy, then chuckles "you don't know who he is, do you" "he's obviously some lonely employee who you snuck up here" so it's "OK all right you may enter" "took you long enough" as she enters the office Jason and Roy lock eyes and in sync, They rush and press their ears up against the door.

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