Celestial Drake War Part 2

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Genesis: In about...hmm...I guess 15 minutes!


Using his jet packs to fly even further into the portal, Jack somehow and in some way, was able to fly out of the portal in one piece...well...not entirely. His whole Titan body was burnt up and smoking but due to his Titan's amazingly durable armor, he managed to make it out.

But the one who should be lucky is none other than Caboose who is thrown out of the portal as if the portal threw him out like trash before crashing onto some dragons that weren't so lucky to dodge.

Caboose: Why do I see stars? Ugh...

Jack: Damn! Hm?! What the?!

Celestial Drake: GRR...IT'S THE DEMONS!!

Jack: WAIT, WHAT?!

Fueled by rage and hatred toward the Titans and the war, the dragons decided to release their anger upon Jack but the unexpected happened.

Just as the dragon got close, its head was met with a lethal golden energy sword to its face. Blood gushed out with no end until splattering from the impact of the Arbiter's landing, stomping on the dragon's head before noticing Jack.

Arbiter: Jack?!

Jack: Golden Boy?! W-when did you get here?!

Arbiter: Behind you!

Jack: Oh crap!

Thanks to Arbiter's warning, Jack was able to evade Celestial Drake's clawing attack by quickly rolling out of the way and jumping on the dragon's back with the Dawnblade stabbing the creature. As more came, Jack ran for more bloodshed by swinging his sword with such potent skills and dangerous takedowns.


Hearing Jack's warning, Arbiter was about ready to swiftly turn around and make quick work on his unlucky enemy but his kill was stolen as Caboose approached the dragon from behind and clashed his giant axe into the dragon's shoulder, vertically cutting him in half.

Caboose: Hello!

Arbiter: Much obliged, Caboose!

Jack: Why the hell are you here?!

Arbiter: Look!

Jack: Look where?

Genesis: Look up, Jack!

Staring out into the distance, Jack could see hundreds of ships flying across the sky along with Elite Mech battling more and more Celestial Drakes, each using their dying breath to gain an edge. Dragons land on top of giant ships while unleashing powerful lasers of death while getting attacked by a barrage of plasma bullets.

Aircraft getting eaten or swung out of the way from the wings of their enemies while Elite Mechs took revenge on the honor-less creatures.

Death was everywhere and the Liberation Alliance was delivering without even trying to use their full potential while the Celestial Drakes struggled.

Jack: You invaded them?! Before we could even find their homeworld?!

Arbiter: It was a hard search. Although this galaxy is smaller than ours, this one seems to have lots of secrets...secrets that easily make us lost.

Jack: Well, thank goodness you find it! Have you located the Trivan Space?

Arbiter: No, but if their leader is here, I do not doubt that he has his hands on it. We must take it before he decides to use it in his last stand!

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