The Sangheili Mech's Secrets Part 3

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While the Sangheili Merc is still on top of the Mother in space before invading Earth, the memory camera gets turned off by the Merc as Jack and them are left speechless by what they saw.

Jack: Apex Predators, The Covanent, The Arbiter, The Flood, Reconoids.....The fuck is going on?!

Catherine: We have to do something, fast and now!

Elizabeth: "do something?!" You really think we're capable of going against all of them? They're working together and we're just the main target for them!

Catherine: There's always a solution, a plan, it doesn't matter. If we don't act fast then we're gonna be....uh...damn...trying to find a cool word.

Jack: Annihilated?

Catherine: Yeah that word!

Elizabeth: Ugh, there's no time to be joking around right now or finding a cool ass word! There's nothing that you can do and or any of u-

Dr.Halsey: Elizabeth...their right.

Elizabeth: What?! B-but Mom!

Dr.Halsey: *sighs* Acting now is what we're always gonna do and we always find a way to stay alive in this war. Doing nothing is going to make us not stay in square of war that we are apart of and we'll lose without thinking fast. Do you understand Elizabeth?

Elizabeth: I-I....yes Mom

Catherine: Jack, Get Max and Genesis to come over here.

Jack: Oh yeah forgot about them.

Jack contacts Max

Max: Cooper, what's up?

Jack: We found what we needed and found something even more important but dangerous than a Reconoid.

Max: Oh shit, what is it?

Jack: You'll see when you get here. Come on!

Max: Alright, Max out!

Max hangs up.

Genesis: What's the matter?

Max: We gotta go something big is goning on!

Moments later, Max and Genesis finally arrive at the lab as Dr.Halsey gets surprised by Max's appearance.

Dr.Halsey: My my, if it isn't Max Felix!

Max: Hm? Oh hey Ms.Cooper, It's been awhile!

Dr.Halsey: How's the body? Responding well?

Max: Oh yeah! The only thing I miss doing is eating, drinking, and...yeah that's about i-

Jack: MAX!! Over here enough talking.

Max: Alright fine

Max follows Jack to show the memory camera to him as Dr.Halsey watches them from behind in the distance until she hears Catherine talking to an unknown person.

Catherine: How you liking the place Genesis? Pretty big?

Genesis: "Big?" It's more than big! Almost like my castle with my brothers and sisters in Olympia.

Catherine: Heh, I hope that's a expression!

Dr.Halsey: Catherine...who is this-

Dr.Halsey gets surprised as she sees a beautiful tall girl wearing military clothes talking to Catherine with amazing long blonde and gray hair in a ponytail that still makes her amazing and her height that completely catches Dr.Halsey off guard.

Catherine: Oh, I didn't introduce you to our new friend. Mom, this is Genny, Genny, this is my Mom

Genesis: ......

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