Instrument time!

391 31 18

Hi everyone! Hope everyone is having a good day.

Request bygeo_in_h

Request: If possible Moxxie trying out other instruments, not just strings like the drum or the trumpet.

Warning: OOC, random craziness, Error past dark abuse, many other troubles if mention, cursing, killing, dark themes, racism mention, stuff children/teen shouldn't do, profanity, self-harm, suicidal moments, cheating, sexual moments mentioned, violence, smoking, drugs, alcohol, guns mention, animal death, cringe, bullying, yandere, possible musical/singing moments and bad flirts.

Error/Moxxie speaking


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When Moxxie was taught instruments, he like to stay with those that were string based.





Even the harp they tried out.

Yes, there are others but those were the main ones they use too. Moxxie always felt comfortable staying with those kinds of instruments. Enjoy something they like to do. Even if many here in the Wrath find their type of music well not their style. Well, buzz off. They still play music from that country, historical. They just have a wide variety of tastes that surprised many. Including themselves.

It doesn't mean there were times other instruments caught their attention.

Some they still continued till play.

Others just a passing to try it out once.

It was a hit or miss.


It was like a toy one they played with first. Tried it out once. Use a little too much strength when they use the sticks and tear a hole in it.

Just threw it out.

Try again later on with a real one. Slightly gentler when hitting the sticks against the instruments. It wasn't their favorite to play on. But you can see a certain appeal because many tend to like it.


Will admit they tried it out because of the original Sans.

Sue them.

They weren't that great with it either. Sure, they began to figure out the buttons. It was the mouthpiece part they didn't like. Still, gave it another shot even though it was a bit hectic. It was all right but not their favorite. They do like it when they have heard others play it like on the radio and even at events. Jazzy.


It's nice.

It was actually in a saloon when they tried it out the first time. Madre was delivering some of the whiskey and they tagged along. Just watch the piano player practice. The older imp asked Moxxie if they want to try it out.

The piano they'll go on and off playing. Or at least if they find one to just casually play. Nothing to fancy, complicated or even memorable. Just some basic music their fingers recognize to the tune. It was comforting to them. Enjoyment. Rare times missing their old body. Only because their skeleton fingers were longer. Could keep up to the melody.


Now those Moxxie wanted to try when they saw a human use them. It was during a time when they were just messing with a portal.

I mean reteaching themselves.

It was always small on the other side of Earth. Invisible. But to Moxxie it was like a screen. Watching tv. They heard how Earth was supposed to have a star showering and wanted to see that!

Instead, their attention was on this young girl. A teen possible. The clothing was familiar, along with the dancing. Then their eyes caught the two materials in her hands. Claps, together as she dances. Enjoying her time. People either listened, passed by or gave her what looked like money.

Moxxie wanted to learn it.

So, they watch. Study. Bought some castanets on Earths. Yes, they left money. Just watch. Observed. Twice a week.

It was harder than it looked.

Moxxie had a few messed ups staying to the beat. The little imp would stomp their hooves in annoyance. If she wasn't dancing it would be easier. But that's how she does it. Plus, they can't asked her to stop. That would probably bring in some unwanted, headache induce questions why a demon asking a human for lessons.

Slowly they began to get the hang of it. Their legs would on instinct dance to the beat. At least stomp the ground to help them out. To start off. It was fun. They were enjoying it.

Then notice she hasn't been out for two weeks.

That was troubling.

Until picking up words on the street she played in about financial issues for the family. Her castanets got destroyed after a fight with another rival. Rival 'accidentally' threw them in the lake. They were silent as they heard that. Silent but listen all around.

The young teen's eyes widen the next morning at a pair of brand-new castanets. Along with money. So, much money she all almost fell off the couch. A small note left for her.

A late payment for the castanet lessons.
Good luck and thank you. You're really terrific.

The next part made her giggle. It made her question who has been keeping an eye on her.

P.S. Beat that snobby brat in the competition.

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What do you all think?

I do think there are certain instruments Moxxie/Error just don't like or only know basics.

Any questions?

Until next time.

Bye, bye.

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