A Place With No Name

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Michael pressed the button on the side of the passenger  seat to recline the back of the seat. He had a ton of magazines on his lap and he was currently looking 'GQ' trying to find an idea for a look. Lisa Marie was driving while listening to Stone Temple Pilots. Michael looked over at her and smiled as she was signing along. Lisa glanced at Michael and smiled at him.


"You're gorgeous. You really are." Michael leaned over and kissed her on her cheek.

"You're so silly. What are you reading?"

"Nothing. Just looking at pictures. I like some of these looks."

"This idiot! Do people not put on their blinkers?"

"Just run them over. This thing is big enough."

"I do thank you for my Tahoe."

"You can't speed in this thing, so it works."

"Michael,  what changed your mind?"

"About today?"


"You're right. I do need to do things on my own and without a million people following us. This is nice."

"Told you it's better when when it's just us."

"Hey, can we go by Havenhurts?"


"If you don't mind. I want show you something."

Michael put his hand on Lisa's lap and continued looking through magazines.

Michael walked around his old room. Nothing had been touched after years of moving out. Michael walked into the studio that changed his life and the world. He stood for a second remembering all the magic and mystery that took place in the tiny room. Lisa Marie looked at Michael's records and pictures. She smiled at the one with Michael and his brothers. They seemed to be at a party. Michael looked to be 17 or 18 at the time. He appeared to be happy. She hoped he was.

"We just finished a show. We were joking around. Not long after I moved to New York with Toya. I met Stephanie there. My moment of freedom." Michael said smiling.

"What did you want to show me?"

"This. All of it. I hardly ever bring people here. This room changed my life."

Lisa Marie looked around the room and smiled.

"This room changed your life, huh? You loose your virginity here too?"

Michael grinned. 

"No. That's another story."

"Michael, why did you really bring me here?"

Michael sat on the made bed and crossed his legs. He patted the mattress, signaling Lisa to sit next to him. Lisa sat next to him.

"I spent hours in this room alone. Hours. Days, years. Alone. Thinking. Pacing. Worrying and wondering. Almost in a panic state. There was so much riding on 'Thriller' and I needed it to be successful. This room held so many of my thoughts and secrets. This room was my conscious."


"There places that hold my feelings and thoughts. At Neverland, it was the Giving Tree, the library, and my room. The Batcave, the ground floor. The apartment in New York, the master bedroom. All those places held my secrets and thoughts. They don't anymore."

"Who fills them?" Michael stared at Lisa Marie and took her hand and placed it over his heart. 

"You fill these places. I can feel into. I don't  need isolation anymore. I brought us here to release all my isolation and troubles. I don't need it. I just need you."

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