Chapter 14 - School bully...

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Vito: (He chuckled, amused.) Sure... tell my Dad that his daughter is one of those poor kids that receive money from the social services... he will love it.

Amanda: What??? (She had stopped walking and let go of Vito's arm.) What do you mean by his daughter? That Asian kid is your sister? How is that even possible?!

Vito: She is not my sister, but my father's bastard child!

Amanda: So what... she is still your half sister!

Vito: (He looked at her with a devilish smirk.) What's wrong? Are you afraid now that you know the truth? Bullying the great Mr Smith's daughter is less funny?

Amanda: didn't say anything! You don't like her, right?

Vito didn't answer and entered his classroom like if he was the owner of the place. The teacher didn't say anything, and the young man went to join his friends in the back of the classroom. Amanda sat at her usual sport too with her girls' group.

Amanda was still thinking about the news she just learned. What if that girl complains to her father? Her life would become a mess for sure and her entire family will have to pay the price. She couldn't focus on her classes the entire morning.

At lunch time, Suki and Haru installed themselves in a quiet corner of the cafeteria. They were talking about a book when Amanda and two of her friends stopped near their table. Suki didn't expect to see her coming to talk to her. She looked behind to see if Vito was around but no, he wasn't there.

Amanda: Eh you... why did you hide the fact that Mr Smith is your father?! I hope that you didn't say shit to him!

Suki: (She was startled to hear that Amanda found out about her father's identity.) No... I...

Amanda: You what? You don't even know how to speak correctly! If you say something bad about me and bring troubles to me or my family... I will not spare you! I get why Vito doesn't like you!

Amanda's friends laughed and the table nearby heard their conversation. They were now all staring to the little girl that was embarrassed by the situation. Haru was looking at her too, but with a different gaze. He felt sorry to see her mistreat by that older girl. He was also surprised by the news, but it was in adequation with what Suki told him about her origins.

Girl: She is just a bastard anyway... I'm sure that your man doesn't care if you use her as your slave!

Girl 2: Clearly... he even hid to everyone that she was her family! 

Murmurs could be heard from the students around. Suki looked at her food, hoping that those 3 girls were done and leave.

Amanda: At least, you found yourself a friend... another useless thing in of this place... I don't even get why they let all those people entering our school...

Girl: Your boyfriend just arrived... bye bit**... (She overturned Suki's plate and left, laughing that Suki's uniform was now stained.) 

Haru: Suki... are you okay? (He gave her a napkin.)

Suki: (She took it and tried to clean her uniform.) Yes... Haru... sorry for not telling you about my family...

Haru: It's okay, I understand that it is not easy for you. I guess that you were not accepted by your new family.

Suki: Not really... but I can understand them... I am not really a wanted child, and my father only took me in because... my mother passed away...

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