Chapter 26 - Uncle's attack...

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When Gabriel and Davide heard Kenshiro Tanaka's words through the phone speaker, time stopped few seconds, before the youngest brother questioned the Japanese Mafia man.

Davide: What do you mean?

Kenshiro Tanaka: As I said, an opportunity showed up... I have to cut the call and I will probably never see you ever again but thank me when you will be at that illegitimate girl's funeral! (He cut the call.)

Davide: Fu**... where is that kid?

Gabriel: At home, she never goes out, except to go to school. (He tried to call her, but she didn't answer.) I'm sure she is at home, playing piano or reading a book.

Davide: Call Dad, he is staying at home today!

Gabriel had a bad feeling when calling his father. The head of the family answered after 3 tones.

Salvatore: Yes, Gabriel, I am busy dealing with something right now.

Gabriel: Are you not at home with Suki?

Salvatore: Suki is with Dante; you don't have to worry. I will call you back later. (He cut the call.)

Gabriel: Suki is with Dante. I prefer to call him; we maybe have another mole in the house. 

While Gabriel called his brother, Davide exchanged with their men.

Dante: Yep?

Gabriel: Father told me that Suki was with you?

Dante: Yes, we are heading home. Why?

Gabriel: You're out? Where? Do you have an escort with you?

Dante felt at his brother's tone that something was not normal. He looked at Suki, then switched to Italian to talk with Gabriel.

Dante: Only one guy, what's going on? Dad is still at the restaurant with Valentina. Did she make a crisis?

Gabriel: Kenshiro Tanaka is planning to kill Suki today! Go home as fast as you can and be careful... we don't know how or when he...

Dante: Hello... hello... (Suki looked at him.) Fu**! (He looked at his phone.) Damn it... no more battery! Give me your phone.

Suki: It's at home...

Dante: How the hell a teenage girl doesn't have her phone with her?! Eh, you, give me your phone! 

Dante asked the driver for his phone, but the man didn't answer, looking throw the side mirror with an agitate face. Dante' senses were on alert; he turned himself to look behind and he spotted two black cars following them few meters away.

The young man had no time to lose and hiding his mafia identity to Suki was not his priority anymore. He took out his gun and put it behind the driver's head. Suki was shocked and put her hands on her mouth to keep any sounds to come out.

Dante: Give me your fu** phone!

Driver: If... if you shoot me... we are all dead!

Dante: Isn't it your intentions since the beginning?

Dante needed to call back Gabriel and ask for back-up. Time was not playing on his favor. 

A missing piece... The other half - A Mafia Brothers StoryWhere stories live. Discover now