Chapter 21 - Unexpected visit...

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In the garden house, loud noises of someone being beaten was heard. The Smith brothers could have asked one of their men to take care of that part of the interrogation but as it was personal, they wanted to do it directly.

Gabriel was so angry that he didn't care to hurt his hands. He was betrayed by one of his own men and by taking care of the issue by himself, he was sending a message to everyone else. Salvatore had done checking the guard's phone.

Salvatore: Gabriel... (The young man stopped)... So, it seems that you are the one who gave all those photos and videos to that journalist. (He looked at him with a murder gaze.) Why? What made you think that you would stay alive after betraying us?

Guard: I... I needed money...

Salvatore: Just for a bunch of bucks, you put my daughter's life at risk?

Guard: It... it was not risky... ahhhh (Gabriel punched him again.)

Salvatore: Who else? (The guard looked at him with difficulties.) 

Guard: Who...

Salvatore: Who else is working with you? Who asked you to do that? What else did you do?!

Guard: I don't know... I only... sent the photos to... that journalist... I swear... please show mercy...

Salvatore: You don't deserve it...

Guard: Please... please... my family...

The guard couldn't finish his sentence, Dante had shot him in the head.

Gianni: We can't be sure that he is the only one corrupted.

Salvatore: Yes, we have to check again everyone's files. See who received money recently, who asked for holidays, sick leaves or anything. Make sure that they take his body out during the night!

Dante: You will have to explain to your daughter what happened. What did you find in his phone?

Salvatore: Photos, videos too but for the rest, we need to check more in details. For Suki, don't say anything.

Gianni: I get that you don't want to scare her but it's maybe useful that she is aware of what is going on. Our family is not the typical American family... and trying to keep her out of our world is stupid.

Gabriel: She is just a child; she doesn't need to know.

Gianni: But keeping her in the dark is also dangerous for her and for us... we can at least teach her how to defend herself, no?

Salvatore: We will talk about that later.

Salvatore put the phone on his pocket and went back to the house. In the living room, Suki was nervously playing with her hands, sat on the couch with Enzo. Vito was on the opposite one, surfing on his phone? Suki stood up when her father entered.

Vito: So? He is d...

Salvatore: Fired, yes, he is fired. (He glared at him.) Suki, are you alright? I am sorry, that you were frightened. Tell me, did that man talk to you today or in the past?

Suki: No, never... I thought that you asked him to follow me.

Salvatore: Our men's job is to keep you safe, but they must let you some privacy. I don't want you to have the feeling to be in jail.

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