Chapter 23 - Weird...

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Gianni: Gabriel... I know what you will s...

Gabriel: (He punched him violently.) Eye for an eye!

Gianni stepped back by the force of the hit. No one dared to move or talk. It has been a while since they saw their eldest brother in such anger. Gabriel badly glared at his brother for long seconds, but everyone understood that, despite his tense body, he didn't plan to punch more Gianni.

Gianni: I guess I deserve that one.

Gabriel: I think so too. (His tone was cold.) You went against Father's orders, and you injured her. You are an adult; how could you be so careless and do that to her?

Gianni: It was an accident! What did the doc say?

Gabriel: Fortunately, you didn't break her bone. The bruise will disappear in few days. (He looked at everyone.) No one can touch her without paying the price.... Accidentally or not!

Gabriel left to his room to take a shower and change himself.

Enzo: Gianni... you should put an ice pack on this...

Gianni: (He smirked.) Gab still has a good punch... (He touched his painful cheek.) I prefer to wait if Dad wants to add his own touch...

Upstairs, Salvatore waited for his daughter. When she was done with her shower and was wearing her pajama, he put ointment on her black eye. She tried to not frown when her father touched the area, but she couldn't hold herself. Salvatore kept a straight face but inside he was fuming.

Salvatore: We are going to have dinner and you will take a painkiller. It's maybe better if you stay home tomorrow.

Suki: I can go to school, I will put the eye patch, it's okay.... Otô-san... you will not punish Gianni, right?

Salvatore: He made a mistake, he hurt you, he has to assume it.

Suki: But I also hurt him... even if it's not visible, Gianni was hurt.

Salvatore: So what? Do you expect me to punish you too?

Suki didn't know what to answer, she was nervously playing with her hands. 

Salvatore: I would be a very bad father if I punish my daughter for the reason you give me. You tried to protect yourself. You did well, don't feel guilty. Your brother was at fault.

Suki: If you punish Gianni... he will hate me even more...

Salvatore: I don't think that Gianni hates you... let's go downstairs first, I will take my decision later.

Suki followed her father and they found Gabriel in the corridor, coming from his bedroom, wearing a black jogging, his hair still wet. The young man exchanged a look with his father, and they went downstairs. When they entered the dining room, Gianni was sitting at the table. His cheek was red, and Suki noticed it. It couldn't be her father's doing, he stayed with her the entire time. Was it Gabriel? She looked at him, but he avoided her gaze, so she stared back at Gianni.

Gianni: What? Am I that ugly? Tinkerbell has a strong punch... stop staring at me like that, it doesn't hurt that much!

Salvatore: I hope that you will take your role as an older brother more seriously Gianni. You are supposed to protect Suki, not hurt her. I will not "punish" you because your little sister pleaded for you, but it will be the one and only time.

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