Chapter 17 - A day with you...

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The next day, Suki was surprised to find her father at the dining table for breakfast. It was only 9.00am and she didn't expect to see anyone after they came back home in the middle of the night.

Salvatore: Good morning, Suki, you wake up early even on Sunday.

Suki: Good morning, Otô-san... it's not too early... but Otô-san didn't sleep a lot... are you not tired?

Salvatore: Men of my age don't need a lot of sleep... but I'm not like your brothers that went for a jogging one hour ago... they should come back soon... those guys are crazy...

Gianni: Who is crazy?

Gianni, Dante and Gabriel just entered the dining room. They were back and all sweaty. Gabriel still had his t-shirt on himself but not the two others.

Salvatore: The three of you... Going to run after sleeping few hours.

Gianni: It's the best medicine to eliminate alcohol...

Gabriel: Good morning, Suki... did you sleep well? (She nodded.) Good.

They installed themselves at the table and Aldo brought coffees. Once again, Suki's attention was attracted by her brothers' tattoos. Salvatore noticed it and the three brothers too.

Salvatore: My daughter seems very intrigued by her brothers' tattoos. (Suki blushed and the four men chuckled.)

Dante: That kid likes to stare at our "nice drawings"...

Gianni: Tattoos are not for little girl!

Suki: Ah... yes...

Salvatore: Gianni, Suki is not going to be tattooed at her age but if she wants to have tattoos when she will become an adult, she has the right to do it, girl or boy, it doesn't matter.

Gianni: (He smirked and stared at her.) And how that scared little kitten will be able to do something soooo painful??

Suki: I won't be tattooed! (She shook her head.)

Gianni: That's what I thought! (He took a bite of his toast.)

Gabriel: Gianni, stop teasing her...

Salvatore: I assure you, it's not that painful...

Suki stared at her father with interest after his last words.

Suki: You have tattoos too?

Salvatore: Yes, I have some and I should even get a new one now.

Suki didn't understand why her father should have one more, but the boys knew. Salvatore had on his upper back the date of birth of all his sons. Now that he had found that he also had a daughter, he wanted to add her date of birth too.

Dante: Aren't you too old for this?

Salvatore: No, I'm not... I am still able to kick your a... to give you a correction, so a little tattoo is nothing for me!

Dante: About that too, I'm not quite so sure...

Salvatore: Really? Should I show you after breakfast?

Dante: Don't hold me accountable if you hurt yourself!

Suki: You two... you are not going to fight... (She asked with pleading eyes to her father.)

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