Chapter 20 - Happy birthday Mom...

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While Suki was changing in her bedroom, Salvatore exchanged with his sons about the update he received in the morning concerning Tanaka's business. They were talking when the twins joined them.

Davide: Aldo prepared a cake for us in advance? Cool...

Gabriel: Don't touch that! Suki baked it for her mother's birthday.

Davide: Her dead mother? Or in addition to that unexpected grandpa, a new mother showed up this morning?

Salvatore: (He sighed.) Davide, can't you be less stupid for once?! Until when do you plan to be an asshole with everything that concerns your little sister?

Davide: Well,... I don't consider that thing as a little sister... so, I guess, I will stay an asshole for a very long time...

Gabriel: My patience with you is coming to an end...

Davide: (He smirked.) Sorry... but not sorry! (He opened the fridge.)

Salvatore: Enough! I don't want to you see argue with each others today.

Dante: Enzo, any news about Tanaka son's schedule the past few weeks?

Enzo: It's complicated to hack every independent planes' companies, so I asked a friend of mine to check the government recordings. Even if he entered the country in private flights, they have to communicate the passport information. He will keep me update.

Salvatore: Good. We need to know if that man has something to do with Fumiko's murder.

Davide: I'm just asking, so don't kill me, but... why that girl doesn't want to go to leave with her mother's family? She looks more like them than us... physically and mentally...

Salvatore: Stop your bullshit!! (He was angry.)

Enzo: Bro'... stop now. We get it, you and Vito doesn't like her, even if she never did anything to you... but come on, we are checking if they are linked to her mother's death... how could you even think about that option?!

Gabriel: I'm wondering if you ever considered me as your brother...

Gabriel said those words without change of tone. He was more disappointed than angry at this level, and everyone stared at him.

Davide: It's different... and you are the one that forgot that we are your brothers since that girl was brought here!

Gabriel: So, what? You're acting like a jerk because you are jealous of an 11 years old child? That is your mean reason for rejecting her so badly? For treating her like shit? (Davide stayed silent.) It is not because you are a fu** asshole with a close mind, unable to see what he has to gain to open up to his little sister?!

Salvatore: Gabriel, that's enough. Davide, you too. Suki will come downstairs soon, and I don't want her to see the two of you fighting. Not today. 

Davide left the kitchen, not in the mood anymore to tease the others. He wanted to change his mind and walked to the room where they had games and a bar, the boys' room.

He passed in front of the library where Suki had planned to do her little ceremony and the door was half opened. He heard someone sniffing and when he looked inside, he noticed the little girl. She was holding the photo frame of her mother.

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