Shikamaru x OC 🍋

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"Hey, we're gonna head out!" Ino said and everyone began to get up. "You comin' Shikamaru?" Naruto asked and Shikamaru sighed. "He's too lazy anyways just leave him," Sakura said and everyone began to file out of my place. I waved goodbye. I wasn't sure how to fully be friendly without overthinking everything.
"You're not from around here are you," Shikamaru said and I began to blush. He was staring at me so intently. "No... I'm not. But I've been around." He snorted at this and slid onto the floor near me. "Where are you from?" I looked away and looked back staring into his eyes. "What do I get out of this if I tell you?" I whispered and turned my head to the side slightly. "You're deflecting." "So are you."
Shikamaru mumbled about this being a drag and I laughed before leaning forward on my hands and knees. Our faces were close. "If I tell you, you can't tell anyone." He moved his head to the side slightly in thought and I studied his face. He always looked so concentrated. He played it off that he was lazy and bored but there was always something going on in his mind.
"What do you think about?" I questioned softly and studied his features more. He was handsome and the intelligence in his eyes made him all the more attractive. Shikamaru looked back at me and shrugged. "What don't I think about." I smiled and nodded in agreement. "I feel stuck in my head a lot as well."  Shikamaru was quiet for a moment but the way that his gaze fell across my face and down my body ignited a soft kindling within me. I leaned forward and kissed his cheek. He was immediately thrown off guard and froze. "What was that for?" I leaned back and began to play with my hair. "I don't know. I just felt like it."
Shikamaru began to blush but immediately disguised it with huffing and saying "what a drag." He stood up and I got up as well. "Are you heading out?" I stepped forward but instead Shikamaru grabbed my arm and pulled me a little closer. "Can you get these thoughts out of my head?" I looked up at him and felt myself blush. The alcohol had made me feel completely at ease. I leaned up to where our lips were almost touching. "Do you want me to?" His dark eyes gazed at me, as if wanting to say more but then fell on my lips.
Our lips brushed softly and I cupped his face in my hands to deepen the kiss. His hand glided up my side, causing soft tingles, and found its way into my hair. His other hand touched my waist slightly. My hands felt like fire on his chest. It had been so long since I had received affection from someone. He tasted like mint. He gazed into my eyes for a moment. "Goodnight Shikamaru." I breathed as I pulled away and he looked at me trying to study me again. His face flushed and he rubbed the back of his neck. "Goodnight Aphrodite."
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Getting up to leave, I raised my hands above my head and stretched. Shikamaru's eyes ran down my body and I smirked before winking at him. "I'll see you around," I stated before turning, with my hair flowing around my body like a veil, and leaving. I could hear Ino nagging Shikamaru and suddenly he exclaimed in pain. "OW. Alright alright already, I'm going." He grumbled and within a few seconds was walking into step with me with his hands in his pockets. "Such a drag."
I smiled at him and he looked back at me with a scowl. "It's okay to smile at me Shika-kun," I laughed and started to pile my hair in a ponytail. "Where are you headed?" Shikamaru sighed and I shrugged. "I don't really have anything to do." Shikamaru looked at me from the side and lightly touched my arm. "Come on..." he sighed and we began to walk towards the forest.
Once we walked further enough, we walked into a clearing on a hill and the clouds looked so pretty. You could almost touch them. Shikamaru began to lay and pulled me down with him. Quietly, we watched the clouds and I smiled. It was so peaceful.
Before I knew it, I was waking up with my head on the chest of a sound asleep ninja. His arms tightly wrapped around me. I took a deep breath and cuddled into the crook of his neck. He stirred, let out a sigh and mumbled, "What a drag. Your eyelashes are tickling me." Which I responded to by placing light kisses on his neck. His arms tightened around me and I breathed in his smell.
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"Shika-kun, what are you thinking about?" I whispered and peered back up at him. His face blushed but he kept his eyes closed. "That this is nice," he mumbled and I could tell that he was lulling back to sleep.
"Shikamaru, can you distract me?" I asked softly as I cupped his face. Shikamaru tensed up and got red before exhaling and putting his hand on the back of my head and tangling his fingers in my hair. "I'll try my best," he breathed before closing in on my lips. Gods, was Shikamaru an excellent kisser. I deepened the kiss and pulled Shikamaru back onto the ground. He tasted like cigarettes and mint. We stayed like that for the rest of the evening. Just enjoying each other's presence and staring up at the sky.

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