Gaara x OC 🍋

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When I awoke, I felt sunshine streaming in and pouring over me. I snuggled more into the plush bed I was laying in and breathed in. It smelt like Gaara, everywhere. It was exquisite. I slowly opened up my eyes and recognized the deep red silk comforter I was bundled in. My eyes swept upward and I immediately met pools of green. "You're awake," he said softly and turned on his side to face me. His face was so close to mine. "Mm," I hummed lightly and attempted to close my eyes again. Gaara inhaled. "You're so beautiful," he said huskily. I smirked and opened my eyes to meet his again. "I love your sleepy voice," I said cutely and Gaara smiled at me. My heart felt like it was going to explode. His smile was so unique and beautiful. I felt Gaara's fingertips lightly ghost along my bare back. He began absentmindedly tracing soft slow circles on my skin. I closed my eyes again, not quite ready to get up and lose this opportunity. "I love you," I said lightly. I felt Gaara's intense gaze and his fingers stopped. My heart stuttered. Why did I say that? Gaara's hand cupped under my chin and lifted me closer to his face. I opened my eyes and Gaara's orbs pierced through me. "Did... did you mean that?" Gaara said hesitantly. Harshly. I flinched slightly and Gaara backed off a little. "Yes," I said while lifting my head up a little more and looking down at him defiantly. Gaara smirked lightly. "I would expect no other answer from a princess." I chuckled and lowered my face back into the pillows. Gaara pulled me closer to him and I began to run my fingers through his hair and rub the back of his neck. His strong arms wrapped around me felt like home. I cuddled into the crook of his neck. "I love you too..." Gaara said lightly and I felt my face blush. I hit more in the crook of his neck and wrapped my arms tighter around him. "Thank you..." I whispered softly and Gaara hummed and kissed my forehead. "Let me show you," he continued and my heart started racing as Gaara pushed me onto my back. "Gaara wait what time is it? Didn't you have a Kazekage meeting?" I questioned and Gaara ignored me as he towered over me and studied my naked body. "You are so fucking beautiful. I'm sure they won't mind if I'm late due to worshipping a goddess." I felt my face heat up slightly. His hard cock was throbbing as he kneeled over me. Gaara began to pump it lightly as he looked at me. I felt myself get wet as I imagined the feeling of him spreading me like before. I bit my lip and Gaara leaned over me. He kissed me tenderly and ran one hand up my side and began to massage my breast and nipple. I moaned softly and Gaara pulled away from our kiss and moved to licking and sucking my neck down to my chest and nipples. "Oh.. Gaara" I breathed as I felt his hand wander down to my tender bundle of nerves. "Let me show you how much I love you," Gaara growled. I moaned as he picked up the pace on my clit and continued to suck along my body. Gaara's mouth found my clit as his other hand began to massage my breasts. I felt two fingers slip into me and I called Gaara's name softly. It felt so amazing. His hand immediately curving perfectly to hit my G spot. "I love you," I purred as I ran my hands through Gaara's hair and pulled lightly. Gaara moaned softly and I felt like that alone could push me to a climax. "I love you so much," I continued. Gaara's hand my breast trailed upward and wrapped tightly around my neck. I moaned more. "Good girl," Gaara said and suddenly he pulled me towards him and right onto his hard massive cock. I cried out as he suddenly stretched me. "Oh Gaara," breathy sounds came from my mouth. Gaara began to pound into me. His thighs slapping against my spread legs. I lifted my legs up even higher so that Gaara could go even deeper and we both moaned loudly at how amazing it felt. I pulled his hair and mewed more as he drove himself harder and deeper into me. "You're so fucking sexy." "Be a good girl and cum nice and loud for daddy." "You're a goddess. You look so good when I worship you." "Your cunt is so nice and tight. I love the way you feel around daddy's dick." Gaara continued to whisper dirty sweet nothings into my ear and it drove me up the wall. "Fuck Gaara," I cried out as I began to get close. Gaara grunted in return and suddenly stopped. I whimpered. "Why did you stop?" I asked softly and pouted slightly. "Don't cum just yet my love," Gaara said lightly. He suddenly flipped us over and he was under me. His dick from this angle felt even better. "Hmmm," I moaned and bit my lip. "Ride me nice and slow. Show me you love me," Gaara whispered in my ear. My hands ran through his hair and along his body. I lightly circled his nipple and he moaned slightly. I leaned down and began biting and sucking on Gaara's neck. "You're so sexy Gaara," I purred and moved my hips slightly. Gaara jolted at the sudden stimulation on his dick. "Don't you love how I cock warm you daddy," I continued. Gaara nodded and studied my body. I flushed and had to pause to cover my face. "I'm sorry I don't know why I'm shy right now," I admitted. Gaara chucked and ran his hand through my long white hair. "Beautiful," he whispered and I smiled at him. Gaara pulled me into a hug and I hummed. I sensed someone walking out direction and grumbled. "What is it?" Gaara questioned just before there was a soft rap at the door. Gaara immediately rolled us over and hid me with his large muscular body. He pulled the blankets over us more and finally called out. "Yes what is it?" Gaara said impatiently. "Sorry Lord Kazekage," someone said shakily and cracked the door open. Gaara's eyes glared in impatience and it sounded like the guy jumped slightly.. "Your siblings asked me to check on you as you didn't come to the morning meeting just now.." Gaara took a deep breath and closed his eyes for a moment. "Please.. tell my siblings that I'm fine and I'll be in my room the rest of the day." I hummed lightly and moved my hips slightly. Gaara's cock was throbbing inside of me still. I traced my fingers absently along his muscled chest as he and the worker went over the important details of the meeting. "The council is getting antsy about your marriage," the worker said even more scared. I froze and looked up at the red head above me. I felt his body tense. "I'll discuss that with them later, now get out." Gaara growled. The moment the door clicked shut Gaara looked at me worriedly. I felt anger start to boil within me. "When were you going to tell me about your marriage," I whispered gruffly. I was trying to contain my anger but I felt it rolling in tides out of me. I tried to lightly push Gaara off of me. "No wait," he grabbed onto my arm and I felt him starting to panic. "I can explain. I'm not married..." I turned my head away from him. "Gaara why do I always get the sense that no matter how perfect you are to me, we aren't meant to be together." I tried again to lightly push Gaara off. Gaara clasped his hands even tighter around me. "Please let me explain Aphrodite," Gaara begged. I shook my head. I could feel my anxiety start to bubble past my anger and emotions. "Please give me space." I said quickly and pushed him harder. He was panicking and I was beginning to panic too as my anxiety started to eat away at me. Gaara tried again not to budge. "Really it isn't what you think... they wanted me to get married and technically have something arranged but we aren't..." I inhaled Sharply. I felt like my head was going to explode again. "I SAID GET OFF OF ME." I yelled loudly and a huge burst of energy shot from me and threw Gaara across the room. There was a loud bang as his body hit the wall. I shot up into a sitting position and my fist went to my chest as I tried to get more air flow inside of me. My heart and lungs felt like they were squeezing and I had black dots in my vision. I felt like a ton of bricks were on my chest. Gaara got up from the floor slowly with a grumble. There was pounding at the door as Gaara's guards tried to enter the room. "Aphrodite please.. please listen to me. You're having a panic attack." Gaara flicked his wrist and his sand held the door locked. I continued to struggle and gasp out for breath. Gaara sat next to me and rubbed my back and took deep breaths for me to follow. There were tremors in the room as my powers kept attempting to surge out of me. Slowly I felt the panic leaving my body. Suddenly Kankuro and Tamari busted through another door. Their faces turned from worry to shock as they saw Gaara and I naked, with one of my hands against my chest and Gaara rubbing my back while the room threatened to cave in around us.. Kankuro covered the view in Gaara's penis direction. "What's going on?!" Tamari demanded worriedly. There was a pang in a locked away part of my heart regarding Shikamaru's new girlfriend barging in on us naked like this. Gaara opened and closed his mouth, unsure what to say. I ignored her and looked at him. His green eyes looked at me worriedly. "You're getting married?!" I croaked and suddenly the tears erupted from my eyes. Tamari and Kankuro's expressions changed to panic again. The tremors increased. I covered my face as I sobbed openly. Gaara wrapped his arms around me and lowered his head onto mine. "Please can I explain," Gaara whispered repeatedly but it fell on deaf ears as I continued to sob. I ignored him and stay perfectly still, with my body hunched over onto my legs. "Let's give her some space," Tamari said lightly as she walked over and tried to pull Gaara away from me. "No!" Gaara yelled gruffly and yanked his arm away from her reach. "I told you I didn't want this... I" I couldn't hear anymore. I focused on my bed and pictures on my walls. Everything went quiet and when I uncovered my eyes I was back in my bed. I ran my hands through my hair frustratedly and sobbed more. I kept crying until nothing came out. I felt empty by the end of the day and closed my eyes. Every now and again I'd wake up, seeing the different colors of the sky painted through my room. Before I knew it, I was stirring awake to the sound of my window opening. "Aphrodite.." I heard Shikamaru whisper. I grumbled in response. "I'm coming in..." Shika jumped through my window and looked at me. "You should really buff up the Security in here.." he attempted to joke. I grumbled in response and threw my blanket over my face. "Yeah you're right you could kill anyone who came In here anyway," Shikamaru joked. I felt my bedside lower a little as Shikamaru sat next to me. "I heard... do you want to talk about it?" He asked hesitantly. He attempted to uncover me but I kept the blankets lowered. "I'm naked.." I said lightly in explanation and stayed under the blanket. He hummed in response. "Dite, I'm sorry.." Shikamaru said lightly. I uncovered my face to look at him. "I'm happy for you Shika-kun, I really am... but just because we've moved on doesn't mean I want to hear your sympathies. Don't pity me." Shikamaru raised his hands up in defense. "I'm not pitying. It's hard to empathize because I can't imagine what you're going through.. but I'm here if you need me." I nodded lightly and reached for his hand. He closed his hand around mine and gave a light squeeze. "Love you," he said lightly and I nodded. "you need to get out of bed and shower and answer your phone." I nodded and rubbed my tired eyes. They felt dry from all the crying. "I left everything there.. I couldn't answer my phone anyway." I realized. Shikamaru sighed. "What a drag.. I'll get it for you." I smirked. "Thank you for taking pity on my poor soul." I said sarcastically. "He's been writing and asking about you by the way.." Shikamaru started lightly. I lowered my eyes at him into a glare. "And?" I huffed. Shikamaru chuckled darkly. "I'm just saying okay? Don't kill the messenger." I grumbled and rubbed my eyes again. "I feel so... tired." I finished. I rolled over on my back. "Sorry you have to see me like this," I sobbed lightly. "Don't apologize," he responded and rubbed my arm. "Your team is worried about you.. maybe you should reach out." A pang hit my chest when I thought of the team.. and Sasuke. I absentmindedly reached for the bracelet around my right wrist. "Yeah," I said lightly while rubbing the bracelet. "I need to get a new phone.. what time is it?" I questioned. "Well it's morning and it's been a week since everything went down apparently. Not entirely sure how you're alive if you have been in bed this whole time." It was my turn to laugh darkly. "I don't work the way you hu... other people do." I explained. Shikamaru nodded and looked away as if in thought. I sighed. I didn't want to pity myself anymore. I felt empty other than the small lingering mourning of losing Sasuke and Shikamaru and Gaara. "Let's get you out of bed to talk to the Hokage," Shikamaru said and began to pull me out of bed. I nodded and wrapped my blanket around me as he led me to my bathroom. He started the bath and looked away as I got in. When I was certain I was covered by bubbles he turned around and sat on the ledge of the tub. "So what are you gonna do?" He questioned and I shrugged. "If Gaara is to be wed who am I to stop that? I'm not supposed to intervene in affairs like that." I responded and looked out the window. "So you're just gonna let him go?" Shikamaru questioned. I hummed in through as I lowered more into the water. It was so soothing. "Do you think that his people would want their monster to marry another one?" I answered darkly. "People don't understand what I am. And they'd likely shun me for not being one of their own. Especially given my history... Gaara has had a hard enough time getting accepted there and I would only make it harder.." I sighed. One of my bingo book entries definitely stemmed from a few people I killed in his land. Not that they didn't deserve it. Shikamaru nodded. "True but... you love him right?" I smiled sadly. "It's because I love him that I can't. He needs to be able to focus on his people.. and I have other matters I need to do." I blew more bubbles underwater and closed my eyes. I needed to focus on getting my people back. I needed to get stronger. I was disappointed in myself that my powers had gotten the best of me earlier. I absentmindedly began to play with the water in the tub. I made a floating ball and moved it around hands and in the air around me. Shikamaru's eyes danced around as he followed the ball. I sat in the bath until I felt some of the ache leave my body. Shikamaru helped me out of the bath and I got ready. I put on a simple kimono and let my long hair dry naturally. Slowly we made our way to the Hokage's office. When we entered, I peered at the kunoichi before me. "Aphrodite.." Tsunade said sternly and I stared back at her blankly. "Yes?" I questioned and I felt Shikamaru tense up at how disrespectful my tone was. I saw Tsunade's forehead vein tense in anger. "Do you have any idea the ruckus that has occurred in my office all this week while you were in your hiding?!" Tsunade yelled. I felt everyone cower around her and continued to stare back blankly. "I'm honestly surprised that sand ninja demon hasn't burst through the gates demanding to see you!! What the hell happened?" I paused before answering and took a sharp breath in. "Gaara is to be wed." Tsunade paused for a moment and drew her hands together in thought.

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