Gaara x OC

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I jolted up from my nightmares just before the final blow was struck. I could feel a presence outside of my apartment. My trembling hands threw the blanket off of me and I slowly got up.
Checking the clock, I saw that it was almost 3 in the morning. I calmed my breathing and extended my senses. It was Gaara. I was sure of it. I could feel the energy in him I sensed earlier only this time it was stronger. Quietly, I exited my bedroom window and leapt onto the top of the apartment building. Sure enough, he was sitting on the roof, surrounded by sand and looking up at the moon. "Hello Gaara of the Desert," I said quietly as I walked towards him.
He spun around and looked almost scared. "Get back..." he growled out and he seemed like he was internally struggling. I suddenly noticed that one of his eyes was different. "The jinchuriki," I whispered and he looked at me knowingly. "He.... I think he wants you. I've been trying to contain it but ever since you appeared before us it's all he's talked about." Gaara choked out. I looked at Gaara softly and took a step closer. "Wants me... how?" I asked and Gaara shook his head. "I'm not sure... Normally he just tells me to kill people but now - I just don't know."
I took another step closer. Gaara took a small step back and my heart raced. He was so close to the edge of the roof. I put my hands up and slowly took another step. "It's okay Gaara, I don't think he'll hurt me. Just close your eyes and take some deep breaths." Gaara listened and I slowly inched closer as he calmed down more. Finally Gaara opened his eyes as I was sitting down next to him. His pools were back to normal.
"Are you okay?" I asked Gaara lightly and he looked shocked to see me so close. I tried reaching towards Gaara but sand shot out and blocked my hand. I chuckled softly and put my hand down. "Sorry," I said and Gaara continued to stare at me. "Did Shikaku tell you to come here?" I asked and Gaara looked at me in surprise. "How did you know his name?" He questioned and I paused. How did I know it was Shikaku? I needed to talk to the Hokage again to get clarification. My head started to hurt a little bit and I touched the center of my forehead. "I'm... not so sure. There's been a lot of weird things happening to me recently." I said and looked up at the full moon.
Gaara lifted his hand to me and paused and I looked back at him. "It's okay," I reassured him through a closed eye smile and suddenly I felt Gaara's cold fingertips brush against my temple. "I do this when I have a headache too," he said simply and rubbed slightly. It helped ease some of the pain. "Thank you," I said as I continued to close my eyes and relish the feeling his hands left me.
I opened my eyes and looked at Gaara again and he suddenly stopped. I chuckled. "You don't like being touched do you?" Gaara looked back at me and away. "Something like that." I leaned into him and Gaara looked a little nervously at me. "Can I show you something?" I asked and Gaara nodded slowly. I moved my hand in a slow push and pull matter and slowly some of Gaara's sand began to pull towards me. Gaara got wide eyed and his mouth opened slightly. "How are you..." "It's a long story, but I think that's why Shikaku likes me." Gaara scoffed. "Likes you..." he repeated quietly as if trying to figure it out. "Your chakra is infused in the sand right?" I asked and he nodded. "I can feel it... Does it feel strange that I'm manipulating it?" Gaara paused and continued to watch on as slowly I began to spin some of his sand like a small tornado in my palm. "I'm not quite sure how to explain it," he mumbled.
I smiled at Gaara and set his sand down. "It's nice meeting you., Gaara of the Desert," I smirked and Gaara continued to stare at me. I got the sense that he didn't know how to interact with much of anyone. Gaara nodded and slowly began to get up. "I should go," he said as we watched the sky start to get lighter. Suddenly he was gone and I was left to wonder about our interaction before returning to my apartment.

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