Gaara x OC 🍋

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    I smiled lightly and walked closer to my apartment, only to notice the energy was actually a lot darker tonight and angry. I paused before taking a deep breath and focusing on the rooftop of my apartment. I think if I focused on something and willed myself to be there, that is what helped me teleport. Sure enough, in an instant I was landing on the roof with a weird feeling in my stomach.
    Sand shot towards me and I stopped it with a small flick of my wrist. The sand completely frozen in air and I looked over at Gaara. He looked angry. "You've been gone," Gaara grumbled. "I'm sure you saw..." Gaara nodded and I tried to breathe and focus on deciphering what was going on. "I think he's been on edge because he's wanted to see you," Gaara said emptily and I continued to stare at him. "Is Shikamaru your boyfriend?" Gaara asked in a strangled voice and I took a step towards him. Gaara was holding his eye and looked like he was struggling internally with controlling Shukaku. "No," I said simply and Gaara looked at me with slight bewilderment. "But he kissed your cheek like you kissed mine," Gaara said and I chuckled lightly. I felt Gaara get annoyed and I put my hands up and took a step forward. "I'm not making fun of you Gaara-chan. Shikamaru and I messed around a little bit but nothing will ever come out of it. He had ended things before the Chunin exams and then there was a misunderstanding," I explained and slowly the air started to get less tense.
    Did Gaara feel protective over me? I wondered. Or was it Shukaku feeling like he owned me or something? A shiver ran down my spine and I was brought out of my thoughts as Gaara reached towards my face and tucked my hair behind my ear. My heart squeezed. "You've been crying," Gaara said lightly and I nodded. "I felt like an idiot for losing control of my emotions and my powers in front of everyone... I care about the Leaf Village. Even though not all of them might not care about me, or won't understand me." I said and Gaara looked at me in pained understanding. I reached over slowly and began to massage Gaara's head the way he did for me.
    Gaara melted into my hands and I smiled as he smiled unknowingly. His smile was so cute it made me blush. Gaara saw me blushing and a blush hit his own face. "Are you.. staring at me?" he asked quietly and I chuckled. "Sorry," I said and Gaara closed his eyes with a hum. Gaara and I sat quietly for a while under the moon and just enjoyed each other's company. Finally we started talking about things. He told me about everything that unfolded as soon as I left. I was surprised to hear that Naruto and Sasuke had both punched Shikamaru on different occasions. Gaara tried to explain the little pieces that Shukaku said or felt around me and I smiled softly. There was something about my power that drew the jinchuriki in. And Gaara even told me of his jealousy when he realized that Shikamaru and I had been intimate. I smiled at him softly. Slowly I reached towards the Sand ninja and his sand wrapped around me slowly.
    I softly cupped Gaara's face in my hands and leaned in. Gaara held his breath and kept his intense gaze on mine. "Gaara you don't need to be jealous." I whispered as I pressed my lips against his. Gaara felt cold and warm at the exact same time. I could feel the jinchuriki chakra in him increase more. "Tell Shukaku that I need some time with Gaara right now," I whispered. Gaara swallowed lightly and I felt the energy begin to lessen. "You can touch me Gaara," I whispered as I pulled his hands into mine and clasped it. He studied it timidly. I leaned in and kissed him softly on the lips.
    Where Shikamaru tasted like mint and cigarettes, Gaara tasted like sun and honey. I melted into his lips softly and smiled to myself and the sand ninja timidly kissed me back. "That was my first..." he started and I nuzzled my head onto his shoulder. "You don't have to explain anything to me Gaara, its okay." The sand ninja lifted my head up from his shoulder and his green sea eyes had me lost in them. "What are you," he asked again and I bit my lip. "I'm from a far away land..." I started and was cut off as he kissed me again. I melted into his kiss and Gaara grasped my face to try and pull me closer. I moaned softly and bit his lip. Gaara paused and it was like something had completely taken over him.
Suddenly sand enveloped me as I stared into seafoam green eyes. They stared back at me, but instead of a familiar emptiness, they were filled with lust. Gaara pulled me closer to him and the sand willfully pushed against my back to press against him more. I could feel his bulge against me and I moaned. "Oh Gaara," I purred and my hands found my way to his hair. He rubbed himself against me more and I mewed in ecstasy. I pulled his hair and bit into a sweet spot on his shoulder.
Before I knew it, our lips were crashing against each other and we were impatiently ripping off each other's clothes into shreds. "Aphrodite," he growled into my neck and pulled me by my hips and against him more. I wrapped my legs around his waist leaving just enough room for him to enter me if he willed. He looked at me in a way, as If asking if this was truly okay.
My mind wandered to how exactly I got to be here. Gaara's sand holding me up midair, while he stood, perfectly positioned to please me. There was something kinky about this whole ordeal and I nodded before grabbing him by the back of the neck and pulling him down to kiss me once more. His hands found his way to my clit and he began moving his fingers in circles. I could feel myself grow more wet and I moaned loudly. "Oh... ah.... please Gaara." He smirked at me and he huskily asked, "please what?" With the raise of an eyebrow.
I bit my lip and growled before digging my nails into his back and scratching him - resulting in a moan from the red-haired ninja. I was growing impatient. He was teasing me and I wasn't one to be teased. I positioned myself just before his length and reached down, wrapping my hands around it. I pulled myself against the head, letting my juices wet his hardness as I also stroked him. We moaned together and I looked up at him before quickly using my legs to pull him towards me. I took in his length completely and we both moaned once more.
He was staring at me, I almost saw amazement in his eyes. "It's okay to touch me," I whispered huskily as I pulled his hands onto my body and they made their way to the mounds of my breasts. I felt as if Gaara wasn't used to this kind of affection - especially from someone he hardly knew. He wasn't sure how to fully react and was tentative. But so was I. We were both vulnerable right now and exposed.
It comforted me in a way that we were similar in this sense. I adjusted myself and I felt so whole with him beside me. He grabbed on to my hips and slowly began thrusting inside of me. It felt amazing and I moaned his name and mewed how great it felt. He matched me with his grunts and moans and he seductively whispered into my ear. "Make me cum. Cum with me." I begged him. Gaara obliged and we spent most of the night in this ecstasy. I had never orgasmed so much in my life.
We eventually passed out from exhaustion and I wasn't sure whether to still be affectionate or not before we fell asleep. None the less, I pulled his head to my chest. I'm sure he could hear my heart racing but before I knew it, Gaara's breathing had slowed and I was slipping off into sleep as well. I looked up at the moonlight pouring down on us. And I thanked the Gods for this moment I had with Gaara.
I woke up to the sunlight settling on my face and birds chirping outside. I stretched and looked at the ceiling, recalling last night's events and smiling. Turning on my side, I attempted to view the ninja from last night. Except he wasn't there and my eyes widened. Sure enough, I couldn't sense his chakra anywhere near me. I also wondered how I'd gotten inside my apartment. Did he drop me off and then leave?
A pang of hurt crossed my heart before it was covered with anger boiling inside me. Logically, I couldn't have expected anything from him. I was this new and mysterious girl who appeared and was essentially rescued and forced to assimilate into the leaf village. I couldn't even consider myself as a ninja because my family weren't ninjas. We were element benders - something hidden and foreign to the world except for legends.
Emotionally, I was angry - mostly at myself for letting things happen so suddenly. Of course, Gaara wouldn't take me seriously if I had just thrown myself at him. But I couldn't help it. I was so drawn to Gaara and I was needing an escape from my hurting. He was too, I reminded myself.
Still I swore to myself that I would forget the ninja of the desert. I had chunin exams for whatever reason. I was going to be up against other people my age and a part of me was excited. I loved competition and battle. I lived for my blood lust. I was going to destroy any other person who had the misfortune of being up against me.

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