Author note :

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"A quote from the chapter."

A short recap from last chapter.

Chapter begins. Sometimes just after the last chapter or some days or a time later.
This story is a fan fiction with an age gap, if that bothers you, you could just ignore it and pretend he's closer to your age. I just made it a little more realistic in my head but it's up to you what you're most comfortable with.

"People talking."

Emphasis on words.

(A comment from the me. If I haven't made up with a time or place, or come up with a name for some yet.)

Some time later, or some place new

I appreciate votes and comments on my story, it's all still new to me, so I like to hear what you think.

Some warnings about my writing :
- I'm new to this, haven't written anything before this book.
- English is not my native language. I'm still editing this story a bit here and there, to fix bad grammar, misspelling and stuff like that.
- I'm not good at writing characters personality's. I change them a little in my head sometimes so it might be different but i hope it works anyway.

I have more books ongoing on my profile, i hope you want to check them out ;-)
There are reading lists too, my favourite books and my favourite fan-fictions.

Author note :
Comments or questions from me.

Hope you enjoy my version of this story :-)

The Meg (Jonas x reader)Where stories live. Discover now