Bonus Chapter - First time meeting

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"She's a trustworthy ride."

Jonas is sitting with his crew at the first responders base, close to the Philippines. The alarms blares off in the building, Jonas and his team runs to the helicopter. They suit up and get in their helicopter, buckling in.
(I have no idea what he worked as but i just made it like this for my version of the story, so just go with it. I've watched too much First Responders shows..)

Jonas reads the information they've got on his tablet and talks to dispatch once he's buckled in.

"Alright, listen up!" He gets everyone's attention, looking at them. "We've got cargo ships ready to blow up. We have 2 hours until whatever they've got onboard blows. There's civilians onboard, we're there to get them out, they have the guilty party under arrest on the ship, but somehow the struggle resulted in some damage that's now overheating. It'll take us about 30 minutes to get there. Which means we only have an hour or less until it blows up."
(I know, probably very random, but I just wrote this image i suddenly had in mind about how they met. So bear with me, had to just write some reason for why they're in the situation in my head.)

"How many civilians?" Marks asks.

"15, they have another rescue team also on the way, they'll be working on the north side of the ship while we take the south." He tells them. "And a civilian rescue team as backup coming from a local scientific lab close by apparently.." He reads the last part frowning.


Jonas' team is helping civilians they found on the south side of the ship on to a boats that has come to retrieve them on each side of the ship. Marks comes to them with a woman struggling in his grip as he tries to get her on the boat.

"My son! You have to find my son! I told him to run and hide during the struggle, but i don't know where he went. His name is Arturo." The woman exclaim as she's ushered off the ship by Marks. "Arturo!" She tries to shout for him.

Jonas spilts his group up, to check one last time before they have to leave. D'Angelo goes with him.

While looking around for the boy Jonas stops when he hears a slight murmur. He looks around confused, then notice a vent open in the wall and he goes over to it.

"What is it Jonas?" D'Angelo asks Jonas, who hushes him.

"Help." He hears soft, a tired voice.

"Arturo?" He asks into the opening.

"Yes! Help!" He hears a voice say a bit louder.

He looks around the vent and tries to find a way to get him out, they try but find no way, the boy is too weak to get out himself and the vent opening is too small for them to get through to him.

Jonas picks up his radio on his belt.

"This is south team leader, to north team leader. We've got a kid stuck in a vent. But none of my boys or I will fit through and he's too weak to get out himself. I need ideas, were desperate on this side." Jonas says into the radio, while checking his watch for how much time they have left.
(I bet in real life they'd easily have something, but again I say sorry and just bear with me.. It was cool in my head, then I wrote it and realised how some things wouldn't exactly make sense.)

Which is not much time, and if they can't find a way then they have to leave. But can he? Will he be able to just leave this kid? No, he would get his team to leave and tell them he'll find another way. He just has to.

On the other side you have helped a man off the boat as you listened to what the leader of the rescue team got from the coms speakers or radio thingy.

"Sir, I can go. I'll get through." You tell him. He looks you up and down, not in an uncomfortable way, just an observation way. He turns on his radio and speak.

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