Chapter 1

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"Jonas was right."

200 miles off the Chinese coast, a helicopter is flying toward an old oil rig station in the middle of the ocean, which is reconstructed to a research facility. The pilot lands on the platform, and Dr. Zhang the owner of the company that works in the facility goes to meet the passenger exiting the helicopter.

"Are we living the dream here, or what?" The man smiles brightly seeing Zhang approach him.

"Welcome to Mana One, Mr. Morris." Zhang reach out his hand to him, who looks at it with an unimpressed look.

"Get that thing away from me. What are you doing? Come on, bring it in." Morris smiles and embrace the older man in a hug. "There we go."

"Good to see you again Mr. Morris, this way please." He gestures for him to get off the platform with him.

"Hey, you always smell so nice. What is that, sandalwood?" Morris asks.

They walk off the platform and down the stairs.

"It's impressive so far, I'll say." Morris tells him looking around at the rig.

A woman with a young girl walks toward them.

"Oh, here they are. Do you remember my daughter, Suyin? Our chief marine biologist." Zhang introduces the woman approaching.

"Hi." Suyin shakes hands with Morris.

He tries to say something in Chinese. Suyin speaks back in Chinese to her father, confused about Morris.

"Sorry, what was that? I didn't catch it." Morris asks. Zhang and his daughter look at each other, unsure.

"She says she likes your hat." The little girl beside her mother says.

"Yeah." Suyin confirms.

The little girl smiles brightly at the man, making him a little confused and uncomfortable.

"Let's go." "Why don't we go. Yeah, lets go." Zhang and Morris say, speaking over each other.

Together the four of them walk to the elevator.

"Granddaughter is a pistol, huh?" Morris states as he gets into the elevator with them.

He looks around the old elevator.

"Okay. What have we here?.. this is really.. ugly. You know i realise we're under construction and everything, but i really think that a world class research institute, deserves a world class entrance." He tells Zhang, disappointed.

"Yeah, I couldn't agree more." He answers as the elevator door opens.

Turning around Morris is met with a fancy modern hallway, with huge glass walls, displaying the beautiful undersea view around them.

"Wow." Morris says, in awe at the sight.

"Welcome to the O-level." Zhang says.


"This is our central hub, from which all researchers will access all five laboratories, once it's finished." Zhang in forms him.

"Wow." Morris looks out the glass wall, all the creatures swimming around, fishes, stingrays, along with two whales. "Oh, look at that. That's not something you see everyday."

They admire the view for a few seconds, before Morris speaks again.

"Did you have those whales here on cue?" He smirks accusingly at Suyin.

"I might've lured them with some whale songs." She answers and they chuckle. "This is Lucy, and her daughter Gracie." She points to the whale and then the smaller one swimming beside her.

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