Unwanted Dreams

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Russia POV

A cold wind blew in every direction he looked. Snowflakes were raining down from the sky and thundering threw his ears. A stiff black figure loomed over him like a giant shadow ready to swallow him whole.

He had a weirdly narrow body with a stiffened expression with sharp claw-shaped hands. His hands were covered in black gloves that allowed his slim fingers to show threw.

And when Russia looked back at the man, two other figures stood behind him. These shadows were less clear and more blurry. He couldn't make out the features of them.

And slowly he felt himself becoming smaller, pressed in by all the dark figures and the huge depth of the forest behind them. Russia felt his body freeze as the figures walked closer to him.

One step, Another step. And another.

Cold sweat slid down his face as his eyes opened, wide awake. He realized that it was just a nightmare and nothing more. He still felt his heart pounding inside him as he slid out of bed to check the time.
"3 am?" He growled to himself. China, who was next to him shifted in his bed. Russia silently returned inside his sheets not to wake his sleeping friend.

He twisted and turned all night, not being able to get a single eye blink of sleep.


"Russia! Wake up!"

Russia opened his eyes to see China's face staring at him. "You need to get breakfast right now or you'll be late for class." The Chinese student said as he practically dragged Russia out of his bed. "Hey, Wait, Wait!" Russia protested as he almost tripped on his bed sheets. "I can't just go outside like this!" He yanked himself back from China who placed two hands on his hips in a disapproving manner.

"You got exactly thirty seconds" China ordered.

"You're acting like my mom." Russia groaned. China raised an eyebrow in surprise. "You had a mom?"

Russia face planted back into his bed.

"No, I don't have a mom." He responded as his voice got muffled.

China huffed as he crossed his arms at the Russian. "I'm not going to be late just because you're being lazy. But don't you dare come to class late and lose points for Slytherin on the second day okay?" China checked one last time and then left the Slytherin room.

Russia turned his body around so his limbs were splayed out in every direction of his bed as his face faced the ceiling.

Eventually, he felt like he was wasting time and had to get up. China would probably be upset if he had gotten to class late. He got up and fixed himself before heading out.

'What is wrong with you today?' Russia asked himself. He was acting weird. He rarely got out of bed late, probably because of that damn nightmare.


I fucking hate short ass chapters


Anywho if you didn't want to waste your time reading this shit this is just Russia being in a mood about a nightmare and getting up in the morning

Word count: 512


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