Hello Hogwarts

153 4 27

America POV

the young group looked up at the entire place, their eyes filled with wonder. America was pretty sure his entire house was huge, and could fit inside this gigantic castle.

"Thank you Iran, Austria, Hungary, and Egypt. I'll take them from here."

A voice spoke up beside the four taller countries and all the others behind them.

"Ah yes! Professor NATO. A pleasure to tell you that the students all managed here without any unwanted accidents." Austria smiled as she gestured to the students.

Professor NATO was a tall man with a long robe the color of twinkling night stars. He looked ready to punch a cow with one fist.

Professor NATO nodded at the students. "Now students, follow me silently and maintain order. There are a lot more of you than any other year so," He took a deep breath and shouted to a couple of girl students who were gossiping in the back. "STAY SILENT!" His voice boomed and the girls immediately shut their mouths.

All the students, all excited and giddy, entered.

The stone walls were lit with flaming torches. The ceiling was too high to make out, and a magnificent marble staircase facing them led to the upper floors.

They followed Professor NATO across the flagged stone floor. America felt over 100 eyes laid on them. It made him shiver.

The rest of the school must have already been here.

"Now this is quite important for you all to know. The start-of-term banquet will begin shortly, but before you take your seats in the great hall, you will be sorted into your houses. The sorting is an extremely important ceremony because while you are here, your house will be something like your family inside of your Hogwarts walls. You will have classes with the rest of your house, sleep in your house's dormitory, and spend free time in your house's common room. Understood?" NATO took a deep breath as he continued.

He began to explain how the houses worked and how the points worked. But everybody was too excited to stay silent any longer and began to have small talk. America barely heard what NATO had said, but he wasn't worried. His parents had already told him and Canada about how the houses worked.

He saw China listening extremely intensely to every word NATO was saying. He also seemed to be finding out NATO's personality and which kind of students he liked by the tone of his voice and the way he spoke. America was internally impressed.

America recognized a couple of countries among the older nations.

Peru, Spain, and a couple more in the Gryffindor table. Israel, Mexico, Iran, and Iraq in Slytherin. He didn't recognize any other nations at the table before he was bumped along by some other students.

A short-haired girl with two horizontal stripes of red and white jumped into a girl next to her with dark hair and glasses. Ghosts, actually freaking dead ghosts were floating all around the place. They were all pearly white and slightly transparent. They walked, no glided across the room, and started talking.

"Oh my, so many students!" One of the ghosts, a female one cooed at all of them. "Are any of you Hufflepuff?" the ghost asked. It horrified America to see that it was his fucking GRANDMOTHER. Kingdom of France. America tried not to think about how her head looked stitched back into place after being cut off. She wore a fluffy long dress which almost dragged on the floor. "Don't scare people on their first day!" Another voice snapped. America didn't recognize this country. White and black stripes with an eye patch. The male ghost had once sharp white teeth which were all yellow now.

He wondered if dead people could even brush their teeth.

Probably not.

"Prussia" America heard China say as he lowered his head slightly to the male country. Pleased, Prussia gave a small bow back at the young Chinese student.

America noticed that some countries were trying to avoid the glances and small talks from the ghosts or even get them noticed by them.

America turned his gaze from the ghosts to Professor NATO who placed a weird-looking hat on top of a stool.

It was the time.


I give up on having a schedule for when I update

Sometimes I might update every day and others I might leave for months

Anywho, bye! Hope you enjoyed this trash chapter!

word count: 699



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