Recuperation Lessons || Satan x Reader

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The moon was shining brightly in the sky, and the birds were singing merrily. It was a beautiful day, but the reader was not feeling particularly happy. They were still recovering from their injuries, and they were feeling very weak and tired.

The reader was lying in bed, staring up at the ceiling. They were bored and restless, and they wished that they could do something to help themselves feel better. Suddenly, the door to their room opened and Satan walked in.

"Hello," Satan said. "How are you feeling today?"

"I'm not feeling too well," the reader replied. "I'm still very weak and tired."

"I see," Satan said. "Well, I'm here to help you recuperate."

"Really?" the reader asked. "How?"

"I'm going to teach you some recuperation lessons," Satan said. "These lessons will help you to recover from your injuries more quickly."

The reader was skeptical, but they were also willing to try anything that would help them feel better. So, Satan began to teach them some recuperation lessons.

The lessons were very challenging, but the reader was determined to learn. They knew that these lessons would help them to recover from their injuries more quickly.

After a few weeks of lessons, the reader was feeling much better. They were stronger and more energetic, and they were able to do more things for themselves.

The reader was grateful to Satan for teaching them the recuperation lessons. They knew that they would not have been able to recover so quickly without his help.

One day, the reader was sitting in the garden, enjoying the moonlight. Satan walked up to them and sat down next to them.

"I'm glad that you're feeling better," Satan said.

"Me too," the reader replied. "Thank you for teaching me the recuperation lessons."

"You're welcome," Satan said. "I'm glad that I could help."

The reader smiled at Satan. They were grateful for his help, and they were glad that they had him as a friend.

(Everytime i see moonlight my dum brain thinks of the song moonlight sunrise)

Word count: 344

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