Part 3

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While Weiying don't know what to say and how to say, so just down his head, on the other hand, people in the hall keep on making assorted assumptions.

The elder lan comes to the front and stop the conversation by raising his hand in the air, was non other than Lan Qiran, 'Wei Wuxian!' he said.

Weiying tried to calm himself, he knows that there's a lot that he needs a handle now, so if she gives out any hint about where's his sister, not only Jiang Yanli but other people can also get in the trouble cos if that, so he can't let any information slip, from his tongue.

Once again, Lan Qiran called Weiying 'Wei Wuxian, where is lady Jiang?!'

Still Weiying haven't said a single word and keep looking at the floor.

'Okay, Wei Wuxian! I understand, call Jiang's here, send scroll to the Jiang sect, and tell them, that their presence is vital.'

Weiying clinches his fists, and tried to calm himself.

'Master Lan! I think I'm more suitable over... over my Shijia and I... I can give hier to your clam too, I... I am perfect... partner for... for Lan Wangji.' His words are shattering, he's trembling, he can't even imagine saying these words in real, like there's been no one in this world more suitable than her Shijia and it's been really hard for him to say all this.

But now, he needa do that, to keep all the blame on himself, yeah, it's his fault, he thought, I caused all that trouble that's why this happened, if I stay quite back then and trust my Shijia heart, nothing would happen.

Lan Wangji was utterly shocked by Weiying words, for a movement he was thinking to rethink his decision and the way he acted he should talk to him at first and know if there's something he's been facing or something cos of which he did something like that, but that was the last thing he expected.

This makes him extremely angry, his brother can see the angry in his eyes, though nothing is shown on his face, even Xichen was shocked.

Lan Xichen knows Weiying, from the time he went to Jiang Clan few years back for some night hunt.

And the image he made of Weiying by that meeting is that not subsistence with the one he's seeing right now. He can't even imagine that he would cheat his younger brother, the person who always fights for the right and to protect the innocent can hide such a devil intuition.

The movements passed Lan Qiran gave an order to arrest weiying and put him in the prison till Jiang's reach here.

Well, at that time, no one thinks of how a person would survive till time, without any food who hasn't eaten anything or even drink a drop of water from the last night.

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