Part 4.

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Next morning, sect leader Jiang Fengmian, Yu Ziyuan, and Jiang Chang along with some disciples reached Lan Clan.

On the other hand, Weiying was so tired and exhausted from all that, that he wasn't able to sleep the whole night.

In spite of the fact, how tired he is physically, the more he's mentally.

But somehow he's relieved that his shijia is alright.

Master Lan, Lan Xichen and Lan Wangji were present in the hall along with some elders, joined by Jiang Fengmian, Yi Ziyuan and Jiang Cheng.

Weiying was bought in the hall, dragging at his feet, he was still in his wedding dress, as he was in prison yesterday.

Jiang's were shocked to see him there, Jiang Fengmian raised and goes near Weiying.

'Weiying, why are you here?' But Madam Yu voice cut him in between.

'Wei Wuxian! Why are you here in wedding dress where is Li?'

Weiying said nothing.

'Fengmian, you cheated on us'

'No! I... I did him... He don't know about that...'

'Wei Wuxian! What does this mean? Where is Li? What you did to her? See Fengmian I told you, I told you not to bring him home, not to raise him, see now what he did, my daughter is missing, still you will favour him, you still don't care about your own child, you still want to protect him, or the rumours were true? The he's your child'. Yu Ziyuan said in a very angry tone.

'Yu!!! Stop it! Weiying where is Yanli? I'm asking you one last time, Where's Yanli?'

 Weiying replied nothing and just keep staring at the floor, while Jiang Cheng had no idea what to say.

When Weiying doesn't answer, Lan Qiran speak once again.

'Punish him! 500 strikes of wooden planks!'

Weiying said nothing, but Fengmian was concerned, even Jiang Cheng had a lot to say, but donno what to say, he always knows how to show his care and concern in the form of anger but in this situation, he's blank.

A few disciples come in front and take Weiying with them for the punishment.

The Jiang and Lan family was there to watch the punishment, as the punishment started, they started hitting him with the plank. Jiang Cheng can see how hard they're hitting him with the wooden plank and in how much pain weiying is in. He can no longer make himself stare at his brother like that, his eyes were filled with the tear, the disciples switched their position once again.

The other A100 strikes are completed, and the pain of having 300 strikes can be seen on weiying face, still he doesn't emit a single word.

Jiang Cheng can't take it anymore, so he shouted, 'Stop! He's hurt, Stop it, you guys are gonna kill him' tear fell from his eyes after seeing his brother's condition...

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