Chapter One

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When she awoke the next day the sun was high in the sky. "It must be almost noon" Morrigan mumbled sleepily. She stood up woozily and made her way to the hustle and bustle of the street beyond. She took in her surroundings, she was on the other side of town to the Deucalion! "No brolly, No money for the Wunderground, walking it is." She sighed.

The walk was long. By the time she made it to the Deucalion the sun was setting in the sky.
"She's here, Morrigan is back!" Kedgeree called from behind the concierge desk. Martha came running out towards Morrigan when he said this.
"Send a message to Jove Kedgeree!"
"Already on it Martha" he replied.
"Oh, Morrigan we were so worried about you!" Martha says pulling her into a hug.
"Jupiter has been out all day looking for you, so has Fen, and the rest of your unit! But the couldn't find tip nor tail of you!"
Morrigan's heart warmed at this.
"Come on, we'll draw you up a nice warm bath, then you can have some food. You must be famished!"
Morrigan nodded her head in agreement, though she was too tired to speak.

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