Chapter 2

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After her bath Morrigan went down to the lobby where she saw Jupiter, Fen, Miss Cheery and the rest of unit 919 anxiously awaiting her arrival. "Mog!" Jupiter cried out.
Before she had even made it down the stairs he had scooped her up into a massive bear hug.
"We were so worried about you!" Hawthorne exclaimed "We came to see you in the teaching hospital this morning but you were gone!! Obviously we told Jupiter and then one thing lead to another..."
"And we were out looking for you all day." Cadence interrupted
"I'm sorry I got you all worked up guys." Morrigan replied
"It's ok Mog," Jupiter said "just don't do it again!"
"I'll try."

It was a few hours later when unit 919 left the Deucalion. After they went, Jupiter brought Morrigan up to his office to talk in more detail about the last 24 hours.
"I thought Squall had come back, and you had gone somewhere in Nevermoor with him. Or worse, into the Wintersea Republic!" Jupiter said once they had sat down. "I would never do that!" Morrigan replied exasperated
"You mightn't have had choice."

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