Chapter 3

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Morrigan had been thinking over what Jupiter had said about Squall. Would he really get her to leave Nevermoor for this "apprenticeship"? She wouldn't let that happen.
"I know the dangers of the Wintersea Republic!" Morrigan says. Her room does not respond.

A while later a knock at her door startles Morrigan.
"Mog, can I come in?" Jupiter calls.
"Fine" Mog says.
"Mog, you haven't come out of your room all week.. are you ok?"
"I'm fine Jupiter! Is that all you came in here for, because if it is you can just go." Mog snaps
"Mog?" Jupiter sounds hurt as he says her name.
"I'm just trying to help..."
Morrigan takes a deep breath, "I'm sorry Jupiter, I've just been thinking about what you said about Squall. I...I" she trails off.
"You what?" Jupiter enquires.
"I.." Mog sighs "Squall said he would cure the Wunimals if I became his apprentice!" She says in one breath.
"Oh Mog.. you didn't agree?"
Morrigan looks down at her hands.
"Of course you did." Jupiter sighs. He has a look in his eye that Morrigan can't quite decipher, it could be worry or disappointment maybe even anger?
"Jupiter I'm-"
"Just don't, Mog." Jupiter says. His voice is flat. "We could have found a cure, we would have! Why would you make a deal with him? I thought I told you that whatever happens do not let Squall near you, Never mind make a deal with him!" The longer he talks the angrier Jupiter gets, Morrigan doesn't need to be a Witness to see that.
Before Morrigan can say anything Jupiter has stood up and is making his way to the door muttering, "why Mog, why?"

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