Chapter Three

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Kunikida opened the door, entering the room with his nose buried in his notebook. Y/n scoffed, causing him to look up from what he was doing and both men watched as she stormed out of the space. After a moment, Kunikida shifted his gaze from the open door she had disappeared through to Dazai himself.

"What did you do?" Kunikida asked, closing his notebook and holding it at his side.

"She is just in a bad mood, took a joke too seriously or whatever." Dazai grumbled, leaning back in his desk chair again and fixing his eyes on the ceiling.

"What's going on with Y/n?" Yosano asked as she too stepped into the office space, "I just saw her going into one of the conference rooms. She slammed the door behind her, is everything okay? I've never seen her do something like that before."

"She's throwing a tantrum," Dazai scoffed, his head still thrown back, "like the child she is."

Yosano looked over at Dazai as he draped an arm over his eyes before turning back to Kunikida. She shot him a pointed look and he sighed, putting his notebook down as he walked over to Dazai's desk and folded his arms. Sensing someone was near him, Dazai peaked out from under his arm to be met with his coworker's disapproving gaze.

"What." he flatly asked, letting his arm fall back to his side as he straightened up, facing Kunikida head on.

"You have to go apologize." he responded and Dazai groaned again.

"Why? It's her fault for taking it too seriously."

"No, its yours for taking whatever irritating game it is you've been playing too far." Kunikida sighed rubbing his temples in exhaustion, "For all your talk about her being childish, you're just as bad yourself."

That was how Dazai found himself where he was now: standing in front of the door to one of the conference rooms, hand poised to knock. He sent a doubtful look back towards Kunikida and Yosano who were standing behind him, having followed him in order to make sure he actually did what he said he would.

"Go on." Kunikida ordered.

Reluctantly, Dazai turned back to the door, knocking twice on it.

"Go away!" came a muffled voice from the other side of the door and Kunikida and Yosano exchanged a look before Yosano took a step forward.

"Y/n, it's me." she called through the door, Dazai having stepped to the side so she could enter the room, "Can I come in?"

There was a second or two of silence before she responded.

"Okay. Just you."

"I'll be back in a second." Yosano sighed softly before opening the door and slipping inside.

Dazai turned to walk away but Kunikida grabbed his collar before he could, holding him in place.

"Nope, you're staying here." he stated.

"Why do I have to?" Dazai whined as he turned back to Kunikida who let go of his collar.

Kunikida sighed, looking over at the door.

"This has... never happened before." he said, choosing his words carefully, "She has gotten upset before, of course. She's the youngest of us, just turned eighteen a few weeks ago and had a relatively sheltered life before joining the Agency last year as far as any of us know."

"So? She needs to grow up sometime. I'm eighteen too and look at me, a fully functioning adult."

Kunikida shot him a doubtful look.

"When I say upset I mean she gets a bit shaken up about things. Sometime's she will cry after a particularly stressful mission or if she saw someone get injured or killed while on it." was all he said before echoing what Yosano's sentiments from earlier, "I have never seen her like this before."

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