Chapter Seventeen

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Y/n had left shortly after with a brief goodbye. No one from the Agency had seen or heard from her since. That was until the Job.

It was honestly a miracle it hadn't happened before, considering how Y/n had been living since leaving the Agency.

They had gotten a call, to go catch some robber. The robber had, of course, been Y/n. She had slipped up, they had caught her red handed.

The museum was a difficult target what with all its security and the constant stream of visitors. Y/n had been so proud of how she had managed to disarm the security systems. Then there had been the business of the crowed, but that seemed to have been solved for her. She should have known something was up when the exhibit that had been marked as open had in fact been closed, she should have taken it as a warning, come back another day. 

The glass had been easy enough to cut through. All she had had to do was use her ability, turn her wings to metal, and pull out a feather. Its tip cut through the glass cleanly.

"Is this really necessary?" she asked as Kunikida secured her hands behind her back with cuffs, "You got me. I wasn't planning on going anywhere."

Kunikida said nothing in response and Tanizaki laughed.

"Oooh, you're getting the silent treatment? He's mad."

"Awww, am I gonna be grounded?" Y/n joked, playing off Tanizaki.

Kunikida rolled his eyes before shoving her shoulder lightly.

"You're definitely getting a stern talking to at the least."

"Come on Dad!" Y/n cried to Kunikida, looking back over his shoulder at him, "I was gonna put it back when I was done."

"No you weren't and don't call me dad." Kunikida snapped back.

"Ooooh, you're gonna get it!"

It was in this fashion that they made their way back to the Agency: Y/n cuffed and walking beside Tanizaki, throwing jokes back and forth, while Kunikida trailed behind them.

"We're home!" Tanizaki called as they threw open the door to the Agency.

"You haven't said that while getting back from a case in a while." Yosano, who was the only one in the office, noted, not looking up from her work.

"Well, we have a special guest." Tanizaki shrugged.

This caught her attention and she put her pen down, surveying the scene before her. Y/n moved her hands to the side, waving at her friend with an apologetic smile. Yosano sighed, getting to her feet.

"She was stealing." Kunikida explained.

"Really Y/n?" Yosano shook her head.

"What, are you 'not mad just disappointed'?" Y/n asked and she couldn't help but crack a smile in response.

Dazai entered in from the kitchen, a cup of freshly made tea in his hand. His gaze hardened for a second as it fell on Y/n before he caught himself and softened it, walking over to the group.

"Well, look what the cat dragged in." he mused.

"Well, if anyones the cat, I'm the cat." Y/n corrected, "And I most certainly did not drag myself in."

There was a confused silence before she sighed.

"Cause you guys caught me stealing? Cat burglars?"

Still no one laughed.

"That was a bad one." Tanizaki shook his head, "Maybe your worst yet."

"Well, everyone can't be a winner can they. Anyways, are you going to let me go?"

"Y/n, you were stealing a diamond from a museum. That's like, textbook 'we cant let you go'." Kunikida scoffed.

"Yeah but like... I'm you're friend? You think I'm cool?"

Kunikida walked away, a hand to his temples.

"Dazai, you deal with this one. I... I just cant right now." he sighed as he sat down at his desk.

"Good luck" Tanizaki teased, heading to his own desk.

Yosano simply patted Dazai on the back as she did the same. Dazai looked around helplessly at his coworkers before letting his gaze fall on Y/n. She shrugged.

"Guess you're stuck with me for now." 

He sighed.

"Let's just get this over with."

Y/n followed him diligently into the room they used to process criminals they needed to question before sending them to the police. Dazai held the door open for her, shutting it behind them once they were both inside. He turned to her.

"I have to ask, do you have any weapons on you?" he broke the silence.

"I am the weapon." she grinned back.

He just looked at her, eyebrows raised.

"You're really committing to the bit, aren't you." 

She shrugged.

"Better than doing it half assed, right?"

"Do you have any weapons on you?" he asked again, "For real this time. Please be honest, I just want to get this over with."

Y/n sighed, the playful joy she had held before vanishing in an instant. She looked away.

"I have this longing thats killing me. Does that count?"

Dazai sat down and gestured for Y/n to take the seat across the table from him which she obliged, her hands still cuffed uncomfortable behind her back.

"You're not gonna question me about the robbery, are you?" she asked after a moment and he shook his head, leaning back in his chair.

"No." he admitted, "I'm not."

"Then what would you like to talk about?"

"I don't want to talk about the job, I want to talk about why you took the job."

Y/n seemed surprised by this.

"Really? I would have thought you'd want to talk about the last time I was here. Well then, what do you want to know?"

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