Chapter Twelve

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Atsushi was the Agency's newest member. It wasn't the job he wanted or the life he had been looking for, but in the few short weeks since he had joined, he had come to love the Agency. Life there was never simple, but it was full of love and care for one another and the world around them.

There was also the thing about grief. Atsushi could tell none of the Agency members were... normal. Not just because some of them had abilities, no. There was something heavy in the air around them. He could feel it most when Dazai was present. Atsushi assumed it was something to do with everyone's pasts. In his first few days after joining, he had played the game every new member plays where he tried to guess their former occupations. None of them seemed particularly pleased with where they had started out in life save for Kenji. All of them carried an odd sort of grief about them also. Atsushi assumed they were one in the same, that all the Agency members had had difficult lives before joining up, just like him. There was a sense of comfort in the idea. He never pressed them on it.

He was out getting coffee for the office. With the attack of Black Lizard on the headquarters just the day before and the coffee shop being closed for repairs, Kunikida had told him it was the least he could do to help, go get coffee for everyone.

Lost in thought as he found his way through the streets of Yokohama, he was surprised when a person walked straight into him. He stumbled backwards a few steps, as did the person. She dropped her bags.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so so sorry!" she exclaimed in apology before bending over and beginning to gather up the things that had fallen from her grasp during the collision.

Atsushi immediately kneeled down to help her.

"No, I'm sorry." he replied, "I wasn't looking where I was going and now your groceries are a mess. What a waste of food."

"Hey, a bruised vegetable never hurt anybody." the girl replied with a kind smile as Atsushi placed a bag of carrots into her open shopping bag, "Besides, look."

Atsushi looked up from the carton of strawberries he had just grabbed off the pavement to see the girl holding a carton of eggs out to him. Slowly, she opened it.

"Not a single cracked egg." she grinned, "Plus, theres no spilt milk so theres extra no use in crying."

Atsushi chuckled lightly as they put the last few things into her bags and stood up.

"Thanks for helping me pick everything up." she sighed, lifting the bags onto her shoulders.

"Of course, it's the least I can do. I am actually on my way to get some coffee for my coworkers right now, I could buy you a cup? As an apology."

"No need." the girl shook her head, "Where do you work?"

Atsushi scratched the back of his head in discomfort. He was still getting used to his new life.

"Umm, I work at the Armed Detective Agency? I don't know if you know it. I just started working there a little while ago."

A flash of recognition shot through the girls eyes.

"Huh." she hummed, "Isn't that odd."

"Whats odd about it?" Atsushi asked, his brow furrowing in confusion.

"Nothing." she sighed, readjusting one of her bags, "I really do appreciate the offer, uh, what was your name again?"


"I really do appreciate the offer then, Atsushi, but I have to get home and put these away. Thanks again for helping me clean up."

With a smile and a little wave, she side stepped Atsushi and began to walk down the road again.

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